
US: /ˈɹaɪət/
UK: /ɹˈa‍ɪ‍ət/

English Vietnamese dictionary

riot /'raiət/
  • danh từ
    • sự náo động, sự náo loạn, sự tụ tập phá rối (trật tự công cộng...)
    • cuộc nổi loạn, cuộc dấy loạn
    • sự phóng đãng, sự trác táng, sự ăn chơi hoang toàng
    • cuộc chè chén ầm ĩ, cuộc trác táng ầm ĩ, sự quấy phá ầm ĩ (của những người chè chén...)
    • sự bừa bãi, sự lộn xộn, sự lung tung
      • a riot of colours: một mớ màu sắc lộn xộn
      • a riot of sound: âm thanh lộn xộn
      • a riot of wild trees: một đám cây dại mọc bừa bãi
    • (săn bắn) sự đánh hơi lung tung, sự theo vết lung tung (chó)
    • Riot Act
      • đạo luật ngăn ngừa sự tụ tập phá rối trật tự
    • to read the Riot Act
      • cảnh cáo không cho tụ tập phá rối trật tự, cảnh cáo bắt phải giải tán
    • (đùa cợt) mắng mỏ bắt im đi không được quấy nghịch ầm ĩ (bố mẹ bắt con cái)
    • to run riot
      • tha hồ hoành hành được buông thả bừa bãi
    • diseases run riot: bệnh tật tha hồ hoành hành
    • tongue runs riot: ăn nói lung tung bừa bãi
    • grass runs riot in the garden: cỏ mọc bừa bãi trong vườn
  • nội động từ
    • gây hỗn loạn, làm náo loạn
    • nổi loạn, dấy loạn
    • sống phóng đãng, sống hoang toàng, ăn chơi trác táng
    • chè chén ầm ĩ, quấy phá ầm ĩ
    • ngoại động từ
      • (+ away) phung phí (thì giờ, tiền bạc...) vào những cuộc ăn chơi trác táng
        • to riot away: phung phí thì giờ vào những cuộc ăn chơi trác táng
      • (+ out) ăn chơi trác táng làm mòn mỏi hư hỏng (cuộc đời)
        • to riot out one's life: ăn chơi trác táng làm mòn mỏi hư hỏng cuộc đời

    Advanced English dictionary

    noun, verb
    + noun
    1 [C] a situation in which a group of people behave in a violent way in a public place, often as a protest: One prison guard was killed when a riot broke out in the jail. + food / race riots
    2 [sing.] ~ of sth (written) a collection of a lot of different types of the same thing: The garden was a riot of colour. + The market was a riot of unfamiliar sounds and smells. + A riot of emotions raged through her.
    3 (a riot) [sing.] (old-fashioned, informal) a person or an event that is very amusing and enjoyable
    Idioms: run riot
    1 (of people) to behave in a way that is violent and/or not under control: They let their kids run riot.
    2 if your imagination, a feeling, etc. runs riot, you allow it to develop and continue without trying to control it: An artist must learn to let his imagination run riot. + These prejudices have been allowed to run riot for too long.
    3 (of plants) to grow and spread quickly
    more at READ v.
    + verb [V] (of a crowd of people) to behave in a violent way in a public place, often as a protest
    rioter noun: Rioters set fire to parked cars.
    rioting noun [U]: Serious rioting broke out in the capital.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 rioting, riotous behaviour, disturbance, uproar, tumult, turmoil, (civil) disorder, lawlessness, hubbub, rumpus, turbulence, fracas, fray, affray, mêlée or melee, pandemonium, Donnybrook, brawl, row, unrest, commotion, bother, imbroglio, outburst, anarchy, disruption, violence, strife, Colloq ruckus, ruction, to-do, do, Brit bovver, punch-up:
    The government is unable to quell the food riots, which have become more frequent and more violent
    2 funny person or woman or man, comedian or comedienne, hilarious event or bit or shtick or thing or piece of business, Colloq gas, US panic, laugh-riot:
    Benny's closing routine with the model is an absolute riot.
    3 mount the barricades, take to the streets, rebel, revolt, create or cause a disturbance, brawl, fight, (go on the or US also a) rampage, run riot, storm:
    The prisoners rioted to protest against the crowded conditions.

    Collocation dictionary


    major, serious | full-scale | violent | inner-city, urban | prison | race | student | bread, food
    Shortages eventually led to food riots.


    cause, provoke, spark (off), start
    The city's housing and unemployment problems sparked serious riots.
    | put down, quell


    begin, break out, erupt, occur, start
    Prison riots broke out over worsening conditions.


    police, squad | gear, shield | control


    during/in a/the ~
    He was killed in the riots.
    | ~ against/over
    a riot against bread prices


    run riot
    Fans ran riot after the match, overturning cars and looting shops.

    Concise English dictionary

    +a public act of violence by an unruly mob
    +a state of disorder involving group violence
    +a joke that seems extremely funny
    +a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
    +take part in a riot; disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot
    +engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking