
US: /ˈdʒəst/, /dʒɪst/

UK: /d‍ʒˈʌst/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

just /dʤʌst/
  • tính từ
    • công bằng
      • to be just to someone: công bằng đối với ai
    • xứng đáng, đích đáng, thích đáng
      • a just reward: phần thưởng xứng đáng
      • a just punishment: sự trừng phạt đích đáng
    • chính đáng, chính nghĩa, hợp lẽ phải
      • just cause: chính nghĩa
    • đúng, đúng đắn, có căn cứ
    • phó từ
      • đúng, chính
        • just at that spot: đúng ở chỗ đó
        • just here: chính tại đây
        • just three o'clock: đúng ba giờ
        • just as you say: đúng như anh nói
        • just so: đúng vậy
        • that is just it: đúng như thế đấy
      • vừa đúng, vừa đủ, vừa kịp
        • I just caught the train: tôi chỉ vừa kịp lên xe lửa
        • just in time: vừa đúng lúc
      • vừa mới
        • I have just seen him: tôi vừa mới trông thấy nó
        • just now: đúng lúc này; vừa mới xong, ngay vừa rồi
      • chỉ
        • take just one: chỉ được lấy một chiếc thôi
        • just a moment, please!: yêu cầu chỉ đợi cho một lát
        • I'll say just this: tôi sẽ chỉ nói điều này thôi
      • (thông tục) hoàn toàn, thật đúng là
        • it is just splendid: thật đúng là lộng lẫy
      • (thông tục), (thân mật) một chút, một tí; thử xem
        • just feel it: thử mà xem
        • just shut the door, will you?: phiền ông đóng hộ cửa một tí
    • danh từ & nội động từ
      • (như) joust

    Advanced English dictionary

    adverb, adjective
    + adverb
    1 ~ (like / what / as ...) exactly: This jacket is just my size. + This gadget is just the thing for getting those nails out. + Just my luck (= the sort of bad luck I usually have). The phone's not working. + You're just in time. + She looks just like her mother. + It's just what I wanted! + It's just as I thought. + (BrE) It's just on six (= exactly six o'clock).
    2 ~ as ... at the same moment as: The clock struck six just as I arrived.
    3 ~ as good, nice, easily, etc. no less than; equally: She's just as smart as her sister. + You can get there just as cheaply by plane.
    4 (only) ~
    ~ after, before, under, etc. sth by a small amount: I got here just after nine. + I only just caught the train. + Inflation fell to just over 4 per cent.
    5 used to say that you/sb did sth very recently: I've just heard the news. + When you arrived he had only just left. + She has just been telling us about her trip to Rome. + (especially AmE) I just saw him a moment ago. - ALREADY
    6 at this/that moment; now: I'm just finishing my book. + I was just beginning to enjoy myself when we had to leave. + I'm just off (= I am leaving now).
    7 ~ about / going to do sth going to do sth only a few moments from now or then: The water's just about to boil. + I was just going to tell you when you interrupted.
    8 simply: It was just an ordinary day. + I can't just drop all my commitments. + This essay is just not good enough. + I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that I had to tell somebody. + This is not just another disaster movie-it's a masterpiece. + (spoken) Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you know everything.
    9 (informal) really; completely: The food was just wonderful! + I can just imagine his reaction.
    10 ~ (for sth)
    ~ (to do sth) only: I decided to learn Japanese just for fun. + I waited an hour just to see you. + There is just one method that might work. + 'Can I help you?' 'No thanks, I'm just looking.' (= in a shop / store)
    11 used in orders to get sb's attention, give permission, etc: Just listen to what I'm saying, will you! + Just help yourselves.
    12 used to make a polite request, excuse, etc: Could you just help me with this box, please? + I've just got a few things to do first.
    13 could / might / may ~ used to show a slight possibility that sth is true or will happen: Try his home number-he might just be there.
    14 used to agree with sb: 'He's very pompous.' 'Isn't he just?'
    Idioms: could / might just as well ... used to say that you/sb would have been in the same position if you had done sth else, because you got little benefit or enjoyment from what you did do: The weather was so bad we might just as well have stayed at home.
    it is just as well (that ...) it is a good thing: It is just as well that we didn't leave any later or we'd have missed him.
    just about (informal)
    1 almost; very nearly: I've met just about everyone. + 'Did you reach your sales target?' 'Just about.'
    2 approximately: She should be arriving just about now.
    just a minute / moment / second (informal) used to ask sb to wait for a short time: 'Is Mr Burns available?' 'Just a second, please, I'll check.'
    just like that suddenly, without warning or explanation
    just now
    1 at this moment: Come and see me later-I'm busy just now.
    2 during this present period: Business is good just now.
    3 only a short time ago: I saw her just now.
    just so done or arranged very accurately or carefully: He liked polishing the furniture and making everything just so.
    just then at that moment: Just then, someone knocked at the front door.
    not just yet not now but probably quite soon: I can't give you the money just yet.
    I, etc. would just as soon do sth used to say that you would equally well like to do sth, as do sth else that has been suggested: I'd just as soon stay at home as go out tonight.
    more at CASE n., JOB
    + adjective [usually before noun]
    1 that most people consider to be morally fair and reasonable: a just decision / law / society
    2 (the just) noun [pl.] people who are just
    3 appropriate in a particular situation: a just reward / punishment + I think she got her just deserts (= what she deserved).
    Antonym: UNJUST
    justly adverb: to be treated justly + to be justly proud of sth

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 fair, equitable, impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, reasonable, fair-minded, even-handed, neutral, objective:
    Do you think you can expect a just trial after all that publicity?
    2 upright, righteous, right-minded, honourable, honest, ethical, moral, principled, straight, decent, good, upstanding, virtuous, lawful:
    In our system of law, one must believe that juries are basically just
    3 justified, justifiable, well-founded, well-grounded, legitimate, valid, reasonable, rightful, (well-)deserved, due, fitting, proper; condign:
    She has a just claim to her father's estate. His punishment was just.
    4 only, merely, nothing but, solely, simply, at best, at most, no more than:
    She said just that and nothing else.
    5 exactly, precisely, perfectly; barely, only just, hardly, scarcely, by a hair's breadth, Colloq by the skin of one's teeth:
    My new car just fits into the garage, with only inches to spare.
    6 (only or just) now, a moment ago, (very) recently, lately:
    We have just returned from a holiday in Tenerife.

    Concise dictionary

    +used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting
    +implying justice dictated by reason, conscience, and a natural sense of what is fair to all
    +free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; or conforming with established standards or rules
    +of moral excellence
    +and nothing more
    +indicating exactness or preciseness
    +only a moment ago
    +by a small margin

    Latest query: just brightening watched probe kissed ended missed collected waited cleaned vacuum cleaner added talked laughed pushed danced kissed brushed looked cooked