
US: /ˈdʒaɪənt/

UK: /d‍ʒˈa‍ɪənt/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

giant /'dʤaiənt/
  • danh từ
    • người khổng lồ; cây khổng lồ; thú vật khổng lồ
    • người phi thường
      • there were giants in those days: ông cha ta ngày xưa cừ hơn chúng ta bây giờ nhiều
  • tính từ
    • khổng lồ
      • a giant cabbage: cái bắp cải khổng lồ
    • phi thường
      • a man of giant strength: người có sức khoẻ phi thường

Advanced English dictionary

noun, adjective
+ noun
1 (in stories) a very large strong person who is often cruel and stupid
See also - GIANTESS
2 an unusually large person, animal or plant: He's a giant of a man.
3 a very large and powerful organization: the multinational oil giants
4 a person who is very good at sth: literary giants
+ adjective [only before noun] very large; much larger or more important than similar things usually are: a giant crab + a giant-size box of tissues + a giant step towards achieving independence

Thesaurus dictionary

1 superhuman, titan, colossus, Goliath; giantess, Amazon, ogre; behemoth, monster, leviathan, mammoth:
Blocking the road in front of Jack was a giant nearly thirty feet tall.
2 See gigantic, below.
drivel, tripe, nonsense, rubbish, gibber, prattle, twaddle, gabble, jabber, balderdash, jibber-jabber, blather or blether, Jabberwocky, gobbledegook or gobbledygook, mumbo-jumbo, rodomontade, Gongorism, cackle, chatter, patter, chatter, jargon, babble, claptrap, poppycock, Colloq tripe, codswallop, crap, bunk, piffle, US garbage, horse feathers; Taboo Slang balls, bull(shit), US crock (of shit):
If one listens to such gibberish long enough, one begins to believe it.


1 very large man


a gentle giant
Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he's a gentle giant.
| a giant of a man
He was a giant of a man, standing nearly seven feet tall.

2 sth that is very large/important


corporate, multinational | car, chemicals, financial, food, industrial, oil, retail, etc.
The oil giant Esso is planning to set up a new refinery in the port.
| literary
Camus is considered to be one of the twentieth century's literary giants.


~ among/amongst
The Amazon is a giant amongst rivers.
| ~ of
The company is now one of the giants of the computer industry.

Concise dictionary

+any creature of exceptional size
+a person of exceptional importance and reputation
+an unusually large enterprise
+a very large person; impressive in size or qualities
+someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful
+an imaginary figure of superhuman size and strength; appears in folklore and fair tales
+a very bright star of large diameter and low density (relative to the Sun)
+of great mass; huge and bulky

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