
US: /ˈkɹɑnɪk/

UK: /kɹˈɒnɪk/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

chronic /'krɔnik/
  • tính từ
    • (y học) mạn, kinh niên
      • a chronic disease: bệnh mạn
    • ăn sâu, bám chặt, thâm căn cố đế; thành thói quen
      • chronic doubts: những mối nghi ngờ đã ăn sâu
      • to be getting chronic: trở thành thói quen
    • thường xuyên, lắp đi lắp lại
    • (thông tục) rất khó chịu, rất xấu

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 (especially of a disease) lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of: chronic bronchitis / arthritis / asthma + the country's chronic unemployment problem + a chronic shortage of housing in rural areas
Compare: ACUTE
2 having had a disease for a long time: a chronic alcoholic / depressive
3 (BrE, informal) very bad: The film was just chronic.
chronically adverb: a hospital for the chronically ill

Thesaurus dictionary

1 long-lasting, long-standing, lingering, inveterate, persistent, continuing, lasting, long-lived:
The doctor said that the condition, for which there is no cure, is chronic.
2 inveterate, persistent, dyed in the wool, confirmed, habitual, hardened:
Abby is a chronic liar.

Concise dictionary

+being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering

Latest query: chronic thus asset crazy predicament nam thawed general thaw disciple ngữ liệu flock whose center impossible immediate master crab dodgy tiệm