
US: /ˈkəvɝ/
UK: /kˈʌvɐ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

cover /'kʌvə/
  • danh từ
    • vỏ, vỏ bọc, cái bọc ngoài; bìa sách; phong bì
      • under the same cover: trong cùng một bọc, trong cùng một phong bì
    • vung, nắp
      • the cover of a pan: vung chão, vung xoong
    • lùm cây, bụi rậm
    • chỗ núp, chỗ trốn, chỗ trú
    • màn che, lốt, mặt nạ ((nghĩa bóng))
      • under the cover of religion: đội lốt tôn giáo, giả danh tôn giáo
    • bộ đồ ăn cho một người (ở bàn ăn)
    • (thương nghiệp) tiền bảo chứng
    • air cover
      • lực lượng không quân yểm hộ (cho một cuộc hành quân)
    • to break cover
      • ra khỏi nơi trú ẩn (thú rừng)
    • to read a book from cover to cover
      • đọc một quyển sách từ đầu đến cuối
    • to take cover
      • (quân sự) ẩn núp
    • under [the] cover of: giả danh, đội lốt
    • dưới sự yểm trợ của
      • under cover of the night: thừa lúc đêm tối
  • ngoại động từ
    • che, phủ, bao phủ, bao trùm, bao bọc
      • to cover a wall with paper: dán giấy phủ lên tường
      • to cover one's face with one's hands: lấy tay che mặt
      • to cover someone with disgrace: (nghĩa bóng) ghẻ lạnh ai, bỏ rơi ai
      • to cover oneself with glory: được vẻ vang
    • mặc quần áo, đội mũ
      • cover yourself up, it's cold today: hôm nay trời lạnh đấy mắc quần áo ấm vào
      • to stand covered; to remain covered: cứ đội mũ, cứ để nguyên mũ trên đầu, không bỏ ra
    • (quân sự) che chở, bảo vệ, yểm hộ; khống chế, kiểm soát
      • to cover the retreat: yểm hộ cuộc rút lui
      • to cover an area: khống chế cả một vùng (pháo đài, ổ pháo...), kiểm soát cả một vùng
    • giấu, che giấu, che đậy
      • to cover one's confusion: che dấu sự bối rối
      • to cover one's tracks: làm mất dấu vết
    • bao gồm, bao hàm, gồm
      • the definition does not cover all the meanings of the word: định nghĩa đó không bao hàm được tất cả ý của từ
      • the book covers the whole subject: cuốn sách bao hàm toàn bộ vấn đề
    • trải ra
      • the city covers ten square miles: thành phố trải ra trên mười dặm vuông
    • đi được
      • to cover sixty kilometres in three hours: đi được sáu kilômét trong ba tiếng đồng hồ
    • đủ để bù đắp lại được, đủ để trả
      • this must be enough to cover your expenses: số tiền này ắt là đủ để trả các khoản chi tiêu của anh
      • to cover a loss: đủ để bù đắp lại chỗ mất mát
    • nhằm, chĩa vào (ai)
      • to cover someone with a revolver: chĩa súng lục vào ai
    • ấp (trứng)
    • (động vật học) phủ (cái), nhảy (cái)
    • theo dõi (dự) để điện tin tức về nhà báo
      • to cover a conference: theo dõi (dự) một hội nghị với tư cách là phóng viên
    • bảo hiểm
      • a covered house: một toà nhà có bảo hiểm
    • to cover in
      • che phủ, phủ kín
    • phủ đầy đất, lấp đất (một nấm mồ...)
    • to cover up
      • bọc kỹ, bọc kín
    • giấu giếm, che đậy

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb
hide / protect
1 [VN] ~ sth (with sth) to place sth over or in front of sth in order to hide or protect it: Cover the chicken loosely with foil. + She covered her face with her hands. + (figurative) He laughed to cover (= hide) his nervousness.
spread over surface
2 [VN] to lie or spread over the surface of sth: Snow covered the ground. + Much of the country is covered by forest.
3 [VN] ~ sb/sth in / with sth to put or spread a layer of liquid, dust, etc. on sb/sth: The players were soon covered in mud. + The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand.
4 [VN] to include sth; to deal with sth: The survey covers all aspects of the business. + The lectures covered a lot of ground (= a lot of material, subjects, etc.). + the sales team covering the northern part of the country (= selling to people in that area) + Do the rules cover (= do they apply to) a case like this?
5 [VN] to be or provide enough money for sth: $100 should cover your expenses. + Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees. + The show barely covered its costs.
distance / area
6 [VN] to travel the distance mentioned: By sunset we had covered thirty miles. + They walked for a long time and covered a good deal of ground.
7 [VN] to spread over the area mentioned: The reserve covers an area of some 1 140 square kilometres.
report news
8 [VN] to report on an event for television, a newspaper, etc.; to show an event on television: She's covering the party's annual conference. + The BBC will cover all the major games of the tournament.
for sb
9 [V] ~ for sb to do sb's work or duties while they are away: I'm covering for Jane while she's on leave.
10 [V] ~ for sb to invent a lie or an excuse that will stop sb from getting into trouble: I have to go out for a minute-will you cover for me if anyone asks where I am?
with insurance
11 ~ sb/sth (against / for sth) to protect sb against loss, injury, etc. by insurance: [VN] Are you fully covered for fire and theft? + [VN to inf] Does this policy cover my husband to drive?
against blame
12 [VN] ~ yourself (against sth) to take action in order to protect yourself against being blamed for sth: One reason doctors take temperatures is to cover themselves against negligence claims.
with gun
13 [VN] to protect sb by threatening to shoot at anyone who tries to attack them: Cover me while I move forward. + The artillery gave us covering fire (= shot to protect us).
14 [VN] to aim a gun at a place or person so that nobody can escape or shoot: The police covered the exits to the building. + Don't move-we've got you covered!
15 [VN] to record a new version of a song that was originally recorded by another band or singer: They've covered an old Rolling Stones number.
Idioms: cover your tracks to try and hide what you have done, because you do not want other people to find out about it: He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.
Phrasal Verbs: cover sth<->in to put a covering or roof over an open space
cover sth<->over to cover sth completely so that it cannot be seen: The Roman remains are now covered over by office buildings.
cover up
cover yourself up to put on more clothes
cover sth<->up
1 to cover sth completely so that it cannot be seen: He covered up the body with a sheet.
2 (disapproving) to try to stop people from knowing the truth about a mistake, a crime, etc.
related noun COVER-UP
+ noun
protection / shelter
1 [C] a thing that is put over or on another thing, usually to protect it or to decorate it: a cushion cover + a plastic waterproof cover for the stroller
2 [U] a place that provides shelter from bad weather or protection from an attack: Everyone ran for cover when it started to rain. + The climbers took cover from the storm in a cave. + After the explosion the street was full of people running for cover.
of book
3 [C] the outside of a book or a magazine: the front / back cover + Her face was on the cover (= the front cover) of every magazine. + He always reads the paper from cover to cover (= everything in it).
4 (BrE) (AmE coverage) [U] ~ (against sth) protection that an insurance company provides by promising to pay you money if a particular event happens: accident cover + cover against accidental damage + private health cover costs + There is no cover provided by the policy for theft of property from cars or garages.
with weapons
5 [U] support and protection that is provided when sb is attacking or in danger of being attacked: The ships needed air cover (= protection by military planes) once they reached enemy waters.
trees / plants
6 [U] trees and plants that grow on an area of land: The total forest cover of the earth is decreasing. + Zebras and other animals were standing very still in broken cover.
cloud / snow
7 [U] the fact of the sky being covered with cloud or the ground with snow: Fog and low cloud cover are expected this afternoon. + In this area there is snow cover for six months of the year.
on bed
8 (the covers) [pl.] the sheets BLANKETS, etc. on a bed: She threw back the covers and leapt out of bed. + He climbed into the cold bed and snuggled beneath the covers.
hiding sth
10 [C, usually sing.] ~ (for sth) activities or behaviour that seem honest or true but that hide sb's real identity or feelings, or that hide sth illegal: His work as a civil servant was a cover for his activities as a spy. + Her over-confident attitude was a cover for her nervousness. + It would only take one phone call to blow their cover (= make known their true identities and what they were really doing).
for sb's work
11 [U] the fact of sb doing another person's job when they are away or when there are not enough staff: It's the manager's job to organize cover for staff who are absent. + Ambulance drivers provided only emergency cover during the dispute.
Idioms: break cover to leave a place that you have been hiding in, usually at a high speed: The vehicles broke cover and headed towards the enemy's headquarters.
under cover
1 pretending to be sb else in order to do sth secretly: a police officer working under cover
2 under a structure that gives protection from the weather: Start growing the plants indoors or under cover.
under (the) cover of sth hidden or protected by sth: Later, under cover of darkness, they crept into the house.
under separate cover (business) in a separate envelope: The information you requested is being forwarded to you under separate cover.
more at JUDGE v.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 protect, shelter, shield, screen; guard, defend, command:
The guns covered the approaches to the town.
2 Also, cover up or over. conceal, hide, bury, mask, shroud, obscure; dissemble; enclose, envelop:
I was unable to cover my embarrassment. Her face was covered by the hood of the cloak.
3 overlie, spread over, overspread, lie on, layer, coat, blanket:
Oil covers the surface of the lake.
4 wrap, swaddle:
Mother covered us with warm blankets.
5 dress, clothe, garb, attire, robe, sheathe:
She was covered in silk from neck to ankle.
6 extend or stretch over, occupy, engulf, inundate, submerge:
A lake has covered the original site of Abu Simbel.
7 include, comprehend, provide for, comprise, extend over, contain, embody, incorporate, account for, take into account, take in, deal with:
This report covers our activities over the past year.
8 act, take responsibility or charge, stand or sit in, substitute, take over, run things, double:
Go and get some coffee - I'll cover for you.
9 traverse, complete, pass or travel over, travel, cross:
With frequent stops, we could not cover more than 50 miles a day.
10 compensate for, defray, be enough or sufficient for, counter, offset, counterbalance, make up for, insure or protect against:
The policy covers losses of up to a million.
11 lid, top, cap, covering:
I can't find the cover for this pot.
12 binding, boards, wrapper, dust-jacket, jacket:
You can't tell a book by its cover.
13 Often, covers. blanket, quilt, eiderdown, duvet, bedclothes, bedding, (bed) linen; coverlet, counterpane; US comforter:
I crept into bed and pulled the covers over my head.
14 shelter, protection, concealment, hiding-place, hide-out, retreat, refuge; hide, US and Canadian blind; Colloq Brit hidey-hole:
We tried to find some sort of cover till the sun went down.
15 cloak, screen, disguise, concealment, pretence, front, camouflage, smokescreen, cover-up, mask, covering:
His bluster and bullying were only a cover for his cowardice.

Collocation dictionary

1 sth put on/over sth


a sofa with a loose cover
| protective | removable | dust
We spread dust covers over the furniture while the builders were in.
| cushion, duvet, mattress, seat | manhole


put on | take off


~ for
a cover for the swimming pool

2 sth that is over sth


a thick cover of snow
| cloud, snow
We descended into Heathrow through thick cloud cover.
| forest, ground
plants that provide good ground cover

3 outside of a book/magazine


back, front | hard, soft | book, magazine


design | story | girl


on a/the ~
There's a picture of the author on the back cover.

4 the covers: blankets, sheets, etc.




get under | pull up | pull back, throw back
She threw back the covers and got out of bed.


under the ~

5 insurance against sth


comprehensive, full | wide
This company provides wider cover.
| standard | additional | insurance | fire, health, indemnity, life, medical


have | give sb, provide (sb with)


~ against
cover against accidental damage
| ~ for
cover for contents

6 shelter/protection from the weather/damage, etc.


The RAF provided air cover for the attack.


dive for, run for, take
We ran for cover as it started to rain.
| seek | find | give sb, provide (sb with) | break
(= leave)The deer broke cover as the hunters approached.


under ~
All the seats are under cover.
| under ~ of
We attacked at night, under cover of darkness.
| ~ from
They sought cover from the wind.

7 sth that hides the real nature of sth


perfect | diplomatic
spies operating under diplomatic cover


(= reveal)He realized his cover had been blown


~ for
The club is a cover for various criminal activities.

1 put sth over sth to hide/protect it


completely | loosely | up
She used dried leaves and twigs to cover up the hole.


try to
She tried to cover her face with her hands. (figurative) He tried to cover his embarrassment by starting to rub his hands together.
| use sth to


He covered the body with a cloth.

2 form a layer on sth




The cars were all covered in snow.
| with
The children were completely covered with mud.

3 money/tax/insurance


barely, hardly
The payments he gets barely cover his expenses.


help (to) | be intended to | be extended to
VAT may be extended to cover books.


This policy should cover you against accidental injury.
| for
a policy that covers you for fire and theft

Concise English dictionary

+a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something
+bedding that keeps a person warm in bed
+the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it
+the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book
+a natural object that covers or envelops
+covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)
+fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations
+a fixed charge by a restaurant or night club over and above the charge for food and drink
+a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else
+a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)
+provide with a covering or cause to be covered
+form a cover over
+span an interval of distance, space or time
+provide for
+deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression
+include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory
+travel across or pass over
+be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism
+hold within range of an aimed firearm
+to take an action to protect against future problems
+hide from view or knowledge
+protect or defend (a position in a game)
+maintain a check on; especially by patrolling
+protect by insurance
+make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities
+invest with a large or excessive amount of something
+help out by taking someone's place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities
+be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of
+spread over a surface to conceal or protect
+cover as if with a shroud
+copulate with a female, used especially of horses
+put something on top of something else
+play a higher card than the one previously played
+be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game
+sit on (eggs)
+clothe, as if for protection from the elements