
US: /ˈspaɪtfəɫ/
UK: /spˈa‍ɪtfə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

spiteful /'spaitful/
  • tính từ
    • đầy hằn thù; hằn học

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
behaving in an unkind way in order to hurt or upset sb
a spiteful child + He made some very spiteful remarks to me.
spitefully adverb: 'I don't need you,' she said spitefully.
spitefulness noun [U]

Thesaurus dictionary

rancorous, bitter, acrimonious, malevolent, malicious, venomous, hateful, invidious, hostile, antagonistic, unfriendly, unforgiving, retaliative or retaliatory, punitive, retributive or retributory:
Cutting off Colin's allowance because he forgot your birthday was a spiteful thing to do.