
US: /ˈdupɫəˌkeɪt/, /ˈdupɫəkət/

English Vietnamese dictionary

duplicate /'dju:plikit/
  • danh từ
    • bản sao
    • vật giống hệt, vật làm giống hệt (một vật khác)
    • từ đồng nghĩa
    • biên lai cầm đồ
    • tính từ
      • gồm hai bộ phận đúng nhau; thành hai bản
      • giống hệt (một vật khác)
      • gấp hai, gấp đôi, to gấp đôi, nhiều gấp đôi
      • ngoại động từ
        • sao lại, sao lục, làm thành hai bản
        • gấp đôi, nhân đôi

      Advanced English dictionary

      verb, adjective, noun
      + verb [VN]
      1 [often passive] to make an exact copy of sth: a duplicated form / letter
      2 to do sth again, especially when it is unnecessary: There's no point in duplicating work already done.
      duplication noun [U, C]
      + adjective [only before noun] exactly like sth else; made as a copy of sth else: a duplicate invoice
      + noun
      one of two or more things that are the same in every detail
      Synonym: COPY
      Is this a duplicate or the original?
      Idioms: in duplicate (of documents, etc.) as two copies that are exactly the same in every detail: to prepare a contract in duplicate
      Compare: TRIPLICATE

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 identical; twin, matching:
      They sent me duplicate tickets by mistake.
      2 (exact or carbon) copy, photocopy, machine copy, double, clone, (perfect) match, facsimile, twin, reproduction, replica, replication, look-alike, Trade Mark Xerox (copy), Slang (dead) ringer:
      This painting looks like a duplicate of the one you bought.
      3 copy, photocopy, clone, match, replicate, imitate, reproduce, double, Trade Mark Xerox; repeat, equal:
      Would you please duplicate this letter for me? Can he duplicate his performance in the Commonwealth Games?

      Collocation dictionary


      We made a duplicate of the key.


      in ~
      The contract is prepared in duplicate, so that both parties can sign it.


      The original experiment cannot be exactly duplicated.
      | simply
      I wanted to avoid simply duplicating work that had already been done.

      Concise English dictionary

      +something additional of the same kind
      +a copy that corresponds to an original exactly
      +make or do or perform again
      +duplicate or match
      +make a duplicate or duplicates of
      +increase twofold
      +identically copied from an original
      +being two identical