
US: /ˈɪnsəkjɝ/
UK: /ˌɪnsɪkjˈɔː/

English Vietnamese dictionary

insecure /,insi'kjuə/
  • tính từ
    • không an toàn
    • không vững chắc, bấp bênh
      • insecure foundations: nền tảng không vững chắc
      • an insecure person: một con người không vững (dễ sợ hâi, dễ dao động...)

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 not confident about yourself or your relationships with other people: He's very insecure about his appearance. + She felt nervous and insecure.
2 not safe or protected: Jobs nowadays are much more insecure than they were ten years ago. + As an artist he was always financially insecure. + Insecure doors and windows (= for example, without good locks) make life easy for burglars.
Antonym: SECURE
insecurely adverb
insecurity noun [U, C] (plural insecurities): feelings of insecurity + job insecurity + We all have our fears and insecurities. + The incident brought back childhood insecurities.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 uncertain, afraid, unsure, unconfident, nervous, worried, anxious, disconcerted, apprehensive, uncomfortable, shaky, jumpy, unnerved, fearful:
Harry is beginning to feel insecure about his job.
2 unsafe, dangerous, unprotected, vulnerable, unguarded, defenceless, undefended, exposed, open:
The machine-gun position is insecure and will soon be taken.
3 unstable, shaky, wobbly, precarious, infirm, weak, flimsy, frail, rickety, unsubstantial, rocky, unsound, unsteady, unreliable, uncertain:
The structure collapsed because the footings were insecure.

Collocation dictionary

1 not safe


appear, be, look, seem | become | remain


extremely, very | increasingly | a little, rather, somewhat | financially
men who are worried about losing their jobs and becoming financially insecure

2 anxious


be, feel | become, grow


deeply, extremely, profoundly, really, very | increasingly | a bit, a little, quite, rather | basically | notoriously
a star who is notoriously insecure about her looks


He felt a bit insecure about being left alone.