
US: /ˈskwɛɹ/
UK: /skwˈe‍ə/

English Vietnamese dictionary

square /skweə/
  • tính từ
    • vuông
      • a square table: bàn vuông
      • a square meter: một mét vuông
    • to ngang
      • a man of square frame: người to ngang
    • đẫy, ních bụng
      • a square meal: bữa ăn đẫy
    • có thứ tự, ngăn nắp
      • to get things square: xếp đồ đạc cho ngăn nắp
    • kiên quyết, dứt khoát, không úp mở
      • a square refusal: sự từ chối dứt khoát
    • thẳng thắn, thật thà
      • to play a square game: chơi thật thà
    • sòng phẳng
      • to get square with creditor: sòng phẳng với chủ nợ
    • ngang hàng, bằng hàng
      • I am now square with all the world: bây giờ tôi đã bằng thiên hạ rồi
    • (toán học) vuông, bình phương
    • (từ lóng) cổ lỗ sĩ, lỗi thời
    • phó từ
      • vuông vắn
        • to sit square on one's seat: ngồi vuông vắt trên ghế
      • thẳng góc với; trúng
        • to hit somebody square on the jaw: đấm trúng thẳng vào hàm ai
      • thật thà, thẳng thắn
        • to play square: chơi thật thà
    • danh từ
      • hình vuông
      • quảng trường
        • Badinh square: quảng trường Ba đình
      • khu nhà khối giáp bốn phố
      • thước vuông góc, cái ê-ke
      • ô chữ vuông
      • (toán học) bình phương
        • the square of three is nine: ba bình phương là chín
      • (từ lóng) người nệ cổ
      • a square peg in a round hole
        • (xem) hole
      • by the square
        • một cách chính xác
      • magic square
        • hình ma phương
      • on the square
        • (thông tục) thẳng thắn, thật thà
      • out of square
        • không vuông
      • (thông tục) không hoà hợp, lủng củng
      • (thông tục) sai
      • ngoại động từ
        • làm cho vuông, đẽo cho vuông
        • điều chỉnh, làm cho hợp
          • to square one's practice with one's principles: làm cho việc làm của mình hợp với những nguyên tắc mình đề ra
        • thanh toán, trả (nợ)
          • to square accounts with somebody: thanh toán với ai; trả thù ai, thanh toán mối thù với ai
        • (thông tục) trả tiền, hối lộ (ai)
          • he has been squared to keep silent: người ta đã hối lộ nó để nó im mồm
        • (toán học) bình phương
          • three squared is nine: ba bình phương là chín
        • (thể dục,thể thao) làm (điểm) ngang nhau (chơi gôn)
        • (hàng hải) đặt (trụ gỗ) thẳng góc với vỏ tàu
        • nội động từ
          • hợp, phù hợp
            • his deeds do not square with his words: việc làm của anh ta không thích hợp với lời nói
            • theory must square with practice: lý luận phải đi đôi với thực hành
          • thủ thế (quyền Anh); (+ up to) xông tới (ai) trong thế thủ
          • cương quyết đương đầu
            • to square up to difficulties: cương quyết đương đầu với khó khăn
          • thanh toán nợ nần
            • to square up someone: thanh toán nợ nần với ai
          • to square away
            • (hàng hải) xoay tàu thuyền đi đi xuôi gió
          • (như) to square off
          • to square off
            • chuyển sang thế tấn công; chuyển về giữ thế thủ (quyền Anh)
          • to square oneself
            • (thông tục) đền bù, bồi thường (những cái mình làm thiệt hại cho người khác)
          • to square the circle
            • (toán học) cầu phương hình tròn
          • làm một việc không thể làm được

        Advanced English dictionary

        adjective, noun, verb, adverb
        + adjective
        1 (geometry) having four straight equal sides and four angles of 90?: a square room / table
        2 forming an angle of 90? exactly or approximately: The book had rounded, not square, corners. + square shoulders + He had a firm, square jaw.
        3 used after a unit of measurement to say that sth measures the same amount on each of four sides: a carpet four metres square
        4 (abbreviation sq) used after a number to give a measurement of area: an area of 36 square metres
        broad / solid
        5 used to describe sth that is broad or that looks solid in shape: a man / woman of square build
        See also - FOUR-SQUARE
        level / parallel
        6 [not before noun] ~ (with sth) level with or parallel to sth: tables arranged square with the wall
        with money
        7 (informal) if two people are square, neither of them owes money to the other: Here's the £10 I owe you-now we're square.
        in sport
        8 ~ (with sb) if two teams are square, they have the same number of points: The teams were all square at half-time.
        fair / honest
        9 fair or honest, especially in business matters: a square deal + Are you being square with me?
        in agreement
        10 ~ with sth in agreement with sth: That isn't quite square with what you said yesterday.
        11 (informal, disapproving) (of a person) considered to be boring, for example, because they are old-fashioned or work too hard at school
        Idioms: a square meal a good, satisfying meal: He looks as though he hasn't had a square meal for weeks.
        a square peg (in a round hole) (BrE, informal) a person who does not feel happy or comfortable in a particular situation, or who is not suitable for it
        + noun
        1 [C] a shape with four straight sides of equal length and four angles of 90?; a piece of sth that has this shape: First break the chocolate into squares. + The floor was tiled in squares of grey and white marble.
        in town
        2 [C] an open area in a town, usually with four sides, surrounded by buildings: The hotel is just off the main square. + the market / town / village square
        3 (Square) [sing.] (abbreviation Sq.) (used in addresses): They live at 95 Russell Square.
        4 [C] the number obtained when you multiply a number by itself: The square of 7 is 49.
        See also - SET SQUARE, T-SQUARE
        boring person
        5 [C] (informal, disapproving) a person who is considered to be boring, for example because they are old-fashioned or because they work too hard at school
        Idioms: back to square one a return to the situation you were in at the beginning of a project, task, etc., because you have made no real progress: If this suggestion isn't accepted, we'll be back to square one.
        + verb [VN]
        1 ~ sth (off) to make sth have straight edges and corners: It was like trying to square a circle. That is, it was impossible. + The boat is rounded at the front but squared off at the back.
        2 [usually passive] to multiply a number by itself: Three squared is written 3. + Four squared equals 16.
        3 if you square yourself, or square your shoulders, you make your back and shoulders straight to show you are ready or determined to do sth: Bruno squared himself to face the waiting journalists.
        in sport
        4 (especially BrE) to make the number of points you have scored in a game or competition equal to those of your opponents: His goal squared the game 11.
        pay money
        5 (informal) to pay money to sb in order to get their help: They must have squared the mayor before they got their plan underway.
        Phrasal Verbs: square away [usually passive] (AmE) to put sth in order; to finish sth completely
        square off (against sb) (AmE) to fight or prepare to fight sb: The two candidates will square off on this issue in a debate tomorrow.
        square up (to sb/sth)
        1 to face a difficult situation and deal with it in a determined way
        2 to face sb as if you are going to fight them: Diane squared up to him defiantly.
        square up (with sb) to pay money that you owe: Can I leave you to square up with the waiter?
        square sth with sth
        square with sth to make two ideas, facts or situations agree or combine well with each other; to agree or be CONSISTENT with another idea, fact or situation: The interests of farmers need to be squared with those of consumers. + How can you square this with your conscience? + Your theory does not square with the facts. + What she was being asked to do did not square with her political beliefs.
        square sth with sb to ask permission or check with sb that they approve of what you want to do: I think I'll be able to come, but I'll square it with my parents first.
        + adverb (only used after the verb) directly; not at an angle
        Synonym: SQUARELY
        I looked her square in the face. + He hit me square on the jaw.
        Idioms see FAIR adv.

        Thesaurus dictionary

        1 equilateral, quadrangular, rectangular, right-angled, quadrilateral, four-sided, cubic, cubed, six-sided, boxy:
        She bought a work of art consisting of three square pieces of red plastic on a mauve ground. He keeps trying to put square pegs into round holes.
        2 equal, on a par, even, on equal terms, settled, balanced:
        With this payment, our accounts are now all square.
        3 even, true, exact, straight, accurate, precise, correct:
        Make sure that the corners are perfectly square.
        4 honourable, upright, honest, straightforward, fair (and square), decent, ethical, open, (open and) above-board, right, (right and) proper, clean, just, equitable, Colloq on the level, on the up and up:
        I have never had anything but square dealings with Fred Latham.
        5 healthful, healthy, nutritious, substantial, solid, full, generous, satisfying, filling, unstinting:
        You could always count on three square meals a day when staying at Auntie Maisie's.
        6 naïve, innocent; bourgeois, conservative, conventional, unsophisticated, provincial, old-fashioned, conformist, strait-laced, unimaginative, predictable, Colloq antediluvian, uptight, out of it, not with it, not in the know, not hip or hep, unhip, stuffy, behind the times, straight, US L-7:
        We were at the age when anyone over 25 was considered square.
        7 rectilinear figure, rectangle; cube, block:
        He took a square of wood and quickly carved it into the shape of a duck.
        8 plaza, piazza, place, park, (village) green, market-place, market (square), agora, quadrangle:
        We like to sit on the benches in the square outside my house and chat with the neighbours.
        9 bourgeois, conservative, conformist, traditionalist, (old) fogy or fogey, die-hard; outsider; Colloq stuffed shirt, fuddy-duddy, US longhair, L-7, Slang US nerd, dweeb:
        My parents did not understand me - they were real old squares.
        10 stiffen, throw back, straighten (up), tense:
        I squared my shoulders and prepared for the worst.
        11 Usually, square with. meet, match (with), conform to or with, obey, correspond to or with, tally with, accord with, agree with, reconcile with or to:
        These activities do not square with the plans set out by the directors.
        12 adapt, adjust, change, modify, harmonize, accommodate, arrange, comply with, fit:
        Ronald was unable to square his beliefs with what they were teaching him at the seminary.
        13 settle, arrange, come to terms, patch up, clear up, satisfy, fix:
        Don't worry about the customs officials - I'll square it with them later on.

        Collocation dictionary

        1 shape


        neat | perfect

        VERB + SQUARE

        cut sth into, divide sth into
        Cut the sandwiches into neat squares.

        SQUARE + NOUN



        ~ of
        A square of light shone from the skylight.

        2 open space in a town, etc.


        central, main | public | city, town, village | market
        crowds thronging the market square

        VERB + SQUARE



        in a/the ~


        be, look


        The rooms are all very square.
        | absolutely, exactly | not quite
        The grid doesn't look quite square.
        | quite | nearly | roughly

        Concise English dictionary

        squares|squared|squaring|squarer|squarestskwer /skweə
        +(geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon
        +the product of two equal terms
        +an open area at the meeting of two or more streets
        +something approximating the shape of a square
        +someone who doesn't understand what is going on
        +a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views
        +any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles
        +a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles
        +raise to the second power
        +make square
        +cause to match, as of ideas or acts
        +position so as to be square
        +be compatible with
        +pay someone and settle a debt
        +turn the paddle; in canoeing
        +turn the oar, while rowing
        +having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle
        +characterized by honesty and fairness
        +providing abundant nourishment
        +leaving no balance
        +without evasion or compromise
        +rigidly conventional or old-fashioned
        +in a straight direct way
        +in a square shape
        +firmly and solidly