
US: /ˈɑkwɝd/, /ˈɔkwɝd/
UK: /ˈɔːkwəd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

awkward /'ɔ:kwəd/
  • tính từ
    • vụng về
    • lúng túng, ngượng ngịu
      • to feel awkward: cảm thấy lúng túng ngượng ngịu
    • bất tiện; khó khăn, nguy hiểm
      • an awkward door: một cái cửa bất tiện
      • an awkward turning: một chỗ ngoặt nguy hiểm
    • khó xử, rầy rà, rắc rối
      • to be in an awkward situation: ở trong một tình thế khó xử
    • awkward age
      • tuổi mới lớn
    • awkward customer
      • người nguy hiểm; con vật nguy hiểm
    • awkward squad
      • (xem) squad

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 making you feel embarrassed: There was an awkward silence. + I felt awkward because they obviously wanted to be alone.
2 difficult to deal with: Don't ask awkward questions. + You've put me in an awkward position. + an awkward customer (= a person who is difficult to deal with) + Please don't be awkward about letting him come. + It makes things awkward for everyone when you behave like that.
3 not convenient: Have I come at an awkward time?
4 difficult or dangerous because of its shape or design: This box is very awkward for one person to carry. + This tool will reach into awkward corners, such as under kitchen units.
5 not graceful; not comfortable: He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and awkward. + I must have slept in an awkward position-I'm aching all over.
awkwardly adverb: 'I'm sorry,' he said awkwardly. + She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle. + an awkwardly shaped room
awkwardness noun [U]: She laughed to cover up her feeling of awkwardness. + There was no awkwardness between them.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 clumsy, ungainly, left-handed, ham-handed, ham-fisted, blundering, bungling, maladroit, uncoordinated, undexterous, inexpert, gauche, unhandy, inept, oafish, unskilled, unskilful, Colloq all thumbs, butter-fingered, Brit cack-handed:
In his awkward attempt at putting the watch back together, Sam left out a few parts.
2 ungraceful, ungainly, inelegant, wooden, gawky:
The ballerina made an awkward, flat-footed pirouette and stumbled off stage.
3 embarrassed, shamefaced, uncomfortable, ill at ease, uneasy, out of place, discomfited, confused:
He felt awkward being the only boy in the class. Terry made an awkward excuse and left the room.
4 dangerous, hazardous, risky, precarious, perilous:
Be careful, there's an awkward step here.
5 difficult, touchy, sensitive, embarrassing, delicate, unpleasant, uncomfortable, ticklish, tricky, trying, troublesome, Colloq sticky:
He's got himself into a very awkward situation indeed.

Collocation dictionary

1 difficult


be, look, seem | make sth


extremely, very | a bit, rather, slightly, somewhat
She asked some rather awkward questions.


make things awkward
He could make things very awkward for me if he wanted to.

2 not relaxed


be, feel, look | become | make sb
He was embarrassed, which made him awkward.


extremely, very | a bit, rather | painfully
As a teenager he was painfully awkward in company.


They felt awkward about having to leave so soon.
| with
She is awkward with people she doesn't know.

Concise English dictionary

+causing inconvenience
+lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance
+difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape
+not elegant or graceful in expression
+hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment
+not at ease socially; unsure and constrained in manner