
US: /ˈkɹeɪzi/

UK: /kɹˈe‍ɪzi/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

crazy /'kreizi/
  • tính từ
    • quá say mê
      • to be crazy about sports: quá say mê thể thao
    • mất trí, điên dại
    • xộc xệch, khập khiễng, ọp ẹp (nhà cửa, đồ đạc, tàu bè...)
    • ốm yếu, yếu đuối
    • làm bằng những miếng không đều (lối đi, sàn nhà, mền bông...)
      • a crazy pavement: lối đi lát bằng những viên gạch không đều

Advanced English dictionary

adjective, noun
+ adjective (crazier, craziest) (informal)
1 (especially AmE) not sensible; stupid: Are you crazy? We could get killed doing that. + She must be crazy to lend him money. + He drove like a madman, passing in the craziest places. + What a crazy idea! + I know it sounds crazy but it just might work.
2 very angry: That noise is driving me crazy. + Marie says he went crazy, and smashed the room up.
3 (about sth) (often in compounds) very enthusiastic or excited about sth: Rick is crazy about football. + He's football-crazy. + I'm not crazy about Chinese food (= I don't like it very much). + The crowd went crazy when the band came on stage. + You're so beautiful you're driving me crazy.
4 ~ about sb liking sb very much; in love with sb: I've been crazy about him since the first time I saw him.
5 (especially AmE) mentally ill; INSANE: She's crazy-she ought to be locked up.
crazily adverb
craziness noun [U]
Idioms: like crazy / mad (informal) very fast, hard, much, etc: We worked like crazy to get it done on time.
+ noun (plural crazies) (informal, especially AmE) a crazy person

Thesaurus dictionary

1 mad, insane, demented, deranged, unbalanced, unhinged, lunatic, non compos mentis, daft, certifiable, mental, touched (in the head), out of one's mind or head, mad as a March hare or hatter, maddened, crazed, Colloq barmy or balmy, cuckoo, cracked, crackers, crack-brained, dotty, daffy, dippy, gaga, goofy, crackpot, loony, off one's rocker, have a screw loose, screwy, batty, bats, bats in the belfry, Brit barmy (in the crumpet), potty, bonkers, round the bend or twist, off one's chump, doolally, US off one's trolley, out of one's gourd, screwball, nuts, nutty (as a fruit cake); Slang bananas, US out to lunch, meshuga, flaky, flaked-out, (plumb) loco:
His wife thinks he's crazy to want to walk around the world.
2 silly, absurd, foolish, nonsensical, inane, ridiculous, preposterous, laughable, risible, ludicrous, asinine, stupid, moronic, imbecile or imbecilic, idiotic, feeble-minded, hare-brained, Colloq crackpot:
Someone came up with a crazy idea of a square tennis ball to slow down the game.
3 impractical, impracticable, unworkable, unsound, pointless, imprudent, rash, reckless, ill-considered:
Columbus' plan to sail round the world was thought to be crazy at the time.
4 enthusiastic, eager, avid, zealous, keen, excited:
I'm really crazy about windsurfing.
5 infatuated, keen on or about, wild, mad, Colloq dotty, US nuts, nutty; Slang US ape:
Marjorie, I'm absolutely crazy about you.


1 mad/wild


be, seem, sound | go
I'd go crazy if I lived here.
| drive sb
The group's performance always drives the audience crazy.


really | absolutely, completely, totally | a bit, half, a little, pretty, quite, slightly


We were crazy with excitement.

2 very angry


be | go | drive sb
The kids would answer back, and that drove her crazy.


absolutely, completely


He was crazy at me for letting the goal in.

Concise dictionary

+someone deranged and possibly dangerous
+affected with madness or insanity
+foolish; totally unsound
+marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness
+possessed by inordinate excitement
+bizarre or fantastic
+intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with

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