
US: /ˈfaɪɝ/, /ˈfaɪɹ/

UK: /fˈa‍ɪ‍ə/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

fire /'faie/
  • danh từ
    • lửa, ánh lửa
      • fire burns: lửa cháy
      • to strike fire: đánh lửa
      • there is no smoke without fire: không có lửa sao có khói
    • sự cháy, hoả hoạn, sự cháy nhà
      • on fire: đang cháy
      • to set fire to something; to set something on fire: đốt cháy cái gì
      • to catch (take) fire: bắt lửa, cháy
      • fire!: cháy nhà!
    • ánh sáng
      • St Elmo's fire: hòn sáng (thường thấy ở tàu khi bão)
    • sự bắn hoả lực
      • to open fire: bắt đầu bắn, nổ súng
      • running fire: loạt súng nổ liên hồi; (nghĩa bóng) sự phê bình tới tấp; sự phản đối ầm ầm
      • under enemy fire: dưới lằn đạn của địch, dưới hoả lực của địch
      • between two fire: bị bắn từ hai phía lại
      • line of fire: đường đạn (sắp bắn)
    • lò sưởi
      • an electrice fire: lò sưởi điện
    • sự tra tấn bằng lửa
    • sự sốt, cơn sốt
    • ngọn lửa ((nghĩa bóng)), sự hăng hái, nhiệt tình, sự sốt sắng, sự vui vẻ hoạt bát
      • the fire of patriotism: ngọn lửa yêu nước
    • sự xúc động mạnh mẽ; nguồn cảm hứng; óc tưởng tượng linh hoạt
    • to be put to fire and sword
      • ở trong cảnh nước sôi lửa bỏng
    • burnt child dreads the fire
      • chim phải tên sợ làn cây cong
    • the fat is in the fire
      • (xem) flat
    • to go through fire and water
      • đương đầu với nguy hiểm
    • to hang fire
      • (xem) hang
    • to miss fire
      • (như) to hang fire
    • thất bại (trong việc gì)
    • out of the frying-pan into the fire
      • tránh vỏ dưa gặp vỏ dừa
    • to play with fire
      • chơi với lửa ((nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng))
    • to pour oil on fire
      • to add fuel to the fire
        • lửa cháy đổ thêm dầu
      • to set the Thames on fire
        • làm những việc kinh thiên động địa
      • to set the world on fire
        • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) thành công rực rỡ; lừng danh
    • ngoại động từ
      • đốt cháy, đốt (lò...)
      • làm nổ, bắn (súng...)
        • to fire a mine: giật mìn
        • to fire a rocket: phóng rôcket
      • làm đỏ
      • nung
        • to fire bricks: nung gạch
      • sấy (chè, thuốc lá...)
      • đốt, khử trùng (bằng chất hoá học)
      • thải, đuổi, sa thải
      • (nghĩa bóng) kích thích (trí tưởng tượng)
      • (nghĩa bóng) khuyến khích, làm phấn khởi
      • nội động từ
        • bắt lửa, cháy, bốc cháy
        • nóng lên
        • rực đỏ
        • nổ (súng); nổ súng, bắn
        • chạy (máy)
          • the engine fires evenly: máy chạy đều
        • to fire away
          • bắt đầu tiến hành
        • nổ (súng)
        • to fire broadside
          • bắn tất cả các súng một bên mạn tàu
        • to fire off
          • bắn
        • (nghĩa bóng) phát ra, nổ ra
          • to fire off a remark: bất chợt phát ra một câu nhận xét
          • to fire off a postcard: gửi cấp tốc một bưu thiếp
        • to fire up
          • nổi giận đùng đùng
        • to fire salute
          • bắn súng chào

      Advanced English dictionary

      noun, verb
      + noun
      sth burning
      1 [U] the flames, light and heat, and often smoke, that are produced when sth burns: Most animals are afraid of fire.
      2 [U, C] flames that are out of control and destroy buildings, trees, etc: The car was now on fire. + The warehouse has been badly damaged by fire. + fire-fighting equipment + Several youths had set fire to the police car (= had made it start burning). + A candle had set the curtains on fire. + These thatched roofs frequently catch fire (= start to burn). + forest fires + Five people died in a house fire last night. + A small fire had started in the kitchen. + Fires were breaking out everywhere. + It took two hours to put out the fire (= stop it burning).
      for heating / cooking
      3 [C] a pile of burning fuel, such as wood or coal, used for cooking food or heating a room: to make / build a fire + a log / coal fire + Sam had lit a fire to welcome us home. + Come and get warm by the fire. + We sat in front of a roaring fire.
      See also - BONFIRE, CAMPFIRE
      4 [C] (especially BrE) a piece of equipment for heating a room: a gas / electric fire + Shall I put the fire on?
      See also - HEATER
      from guns
      5 [U] shots from guns: a burst of machine-gun fire + to return fire (= to fire back at sb who is shooting at you) + The gunmen opened fire on (= started shooting at) the police. + Their vehicle came under fire (= was being shot at). + He ordered his men to hold their fire (= not to shoot). + A young girl was in the line of fire (= between the person shooting and what he / she was shooting at). + I'll give you covering fire while you try to escape.
      anger / enthusiasm
      6 [U] very strong emotion, especially anger or enthusiasm: Her eyes were full of fire. + The fire seemed to die in him when his wife left.
      Idioms: be / come under fire to be criticized severely for sth you have done: The health minister has come under fire from all sides.
      hang / hold fire to delay or be delayed in taking action: The project had hung fire for several years for lack of funds.
      on fire giving you a painful burning feeling: He couldn't breathe. His chest was on fire.
      play with fire to act in a way that is not sensible and take dangerous risks
      more at ADD v., BAPTISM, DRAW v., FIGHT v., FRYING PAN, HOUSE n., IRON n., SMOKE n., WORLD
      + verb
      1 ~ (sth) (at sb/sth)
      ~ (sth) (into sth)
      ~ (on sb/sth) to shoot bullets from a gun: [V] The officer ordered his men to fire. + Soldiers fired on the crowd, killing several people. + [VN] He fired the gun into the air. + They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired. + Missiles were fired at the enemy.
      2 (of a gun) to shoot bullets out: [V] We heard the sound of guns firing. + [VN] A starter's pistol fires only blanks.
      3 [VN] to shoot an arrow: She fired an arrow at the target.
      from job
      4 [VN] to force sb to leave their job
      Synonym: SACK
      We had to fire him for dishonesty. + She got fired from her first job. + He was responsible for hiring and firing staff.
      make sb enthusiastic
      5 [VN] ~ sb (with sth) to make sb feel very excited about sth or interested in sth: The talk had fired her with enthusiasm for the project. + His imagination had been fired by the film.
      of engine
      6 [V] when an engine fires, an electrical SPARK is produced that makes the fuel burn and the engine start to work
      7 (in adjectives) using the fuel mentioned in order to operate: gas-fired central heating
      clay objects
      8 [VN] to heat a clay object to make it hard and strong: to fire pottery + to fire bricks in a kiln
      Idioms: fire questions, insults, etc. at sb to ask sb a lot of questions one after another or make a lot of comments very quickly: The room was full of journalists, all firing questions at them.
      more at CYLINDER
      Phrasal Verbs: fire away (informal) used to tell sb to begin to speak or ask a question: 'I've got a few questions.' 'OK then, fire away.'
      fire sth<->off
      1 to shoot a bullet from a gun: They fired off a volley of shots.
      2 to write or say sth to sb very quickly, often when you are angry: He fired off a letter of complaint.
      fire sb/sth<->up to make sb excited or interested in sth: She's all fired up about her new job.

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 flame(s), blaze; conflagration, holocaust, inferno:
      We gathered round the roaring fire.
      2 feeling, passion, ardour, ardency, fervour, fervency, intensity, vigour, spirit, energy, vim, vivacity, sparkle, animation, liveliness, verve, pep, élan, éclat, dash, vitality, eagerness, enthusiasm, fever, feverishness:
      I have never seen the role of Carmen performed with such fire.
      3 firing, fusillade, volley, barrage, bombardment, salvo, cannonade, shelling, broadside, flak:
      The fire from the guns shook the house.
      4 hang fire. delay, be delayed, be in abeyance, be suspended, be shelved, be put off, be postponed, be up in the air, Colloq be put on hold, be (put) on the back burner:
      The decision is hanging fire till tomorrow.
      5 on fire. afire, burning, blazing, alight, aflame, flaming; ardent, passionate, fervent, fervid, hot-blooded, intense, aroused, stirred, stimulated, enthusiastic, fired up, eager, inspired, excited:
      The building is on fire: you must leave at once. My very soul is on fire when I think of you.
      6 play with fire. undertake a risk or hazard or peril, run a risk, risk (something or everything), imperil or endanger (something), tempt fate, live dangerously:
      He warned people not to play with fire by stirring up racial hatred.
      7 set fire to. See 8, below.
      8 a set fire to, set afire, set on fire, ignite, set alight, kindle, spark (off), put to the torch, burn, Slang US torch:
      Arsonists fired our headquarters last night.
      (b) Sometimes, fire up. inflame, impassion, incite, excite, provoke, foment, whip up, arouse, rouse, work up, fire up, enkindle, light a fire under, stimulate, inspirit, motivate, move, stir, animate, inspire, awaken, energize, vitalize, vivify:
      She fired the crowd's emotions with her impassioned speech.
      9 discharge, shoot, let go (with), launch, propel, throw, catapult, hurl:
      He fired the missile towards the enemy.
      10 detonate, set off, ignite, set fire to, light, let off:
      It is against the law to fire any explosives in this area.
      11 discharge, dismiss, oust, let go, cashier, give (someone) notice, Brit make or declare redundant, Colloq Brit ask for or get (someone's) cards, US give (someone) a pink slip; Slang bounce, give (someone) the bounce, axe, give (someone) the axe, show (someone) the door, can, give (someone) the (old) heave-ho, give (someone) his or her (Brit) marching orders or (US) walking papers, Brit sack, give (someone) the sack, boot (someone) out, give (someone) the boot:
      They fired me last month and I can't find work.

      Concise dictionary

      +the event of something burning (often destructive)
      +the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
      +the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy
      +a fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning
      +intense adverse criticism
      +feelings of great warmth and intensity
      +once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
      +a severe trial
      +start firing a weapon
      +cause to go off
      +bake in a kiln so as to harden
      +terminate the employment of
      +go off or discharge
      +drive out or away by or as if by fire
      +call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
      +destroy by fire
      +provide with fuel

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