
US: /ˈvɪɫɪˌfaɪ/
UK: /vˈɪlɪfˌa‍ɪ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

vilify /'vilifai/
  • ngoại động từ
    • phỉ báng; gièm, nói xấu

Advanced English dictionary

+ verb
(vilifies, vilifying, vilified, vilified) [VN] ~ sb/sth (as sth)
~ sb/sth (for sth / for doing sth) (formal) to say or write unpleasant things about sb/sth so that other people will have a low opinion of them
Synonym: MALIGN
They were vilified by the press as 'international terrorists'.
vilification noun [U]: the vilification of single parents by right-wing politicians

Thesaurus dictionary

depreciate, devalue, deprecate, debase, disparage, denigrate, diminish, traduce, defame, speak ill of, revile, slander, libel, abuse, defile, sully, smear, tarnish, malign, calumniate, asperse, run down, decry, Rare vilipend, Colloq US bad-mouth:
His political and religious views became notorious and were often vilified.

Concise English dictionary

+spread negative information about