
US: /ˈstɹoʊɫ/
UK: /stɹˈə‍ʊl/

English Vietnamese dictionary

stroll /stroul/
  • danh từ
    • sự đi dạo, sự đi tản bộ
      • to take a stroll; to go for a stroll: đi dạo, đi tản bộ
  • nội động từ
    • đi dạo, đi tản bộ
    • đi biểu diễn ở các nơi, đi hát rong (gánh hát)
    • ngoại động từ
      • đi dạo
        • to stroll the streets: đi dạo ở ngoài phố
      • đi biểu diễn ở, đi hát trong khắp
        • to stroll the country: đi biểu diễn ở nông thôn, đi hát rong khắp nơi ở nông thôn
        • a strolling company: một gánh hát lưu động

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun
    + verb [V] [usually +adv./prep.] to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way: People were strolling along the beach.
    + noun
    a slow relaxed walk: We went for a stroll in the park. + The beach is a leisurely ten-minute stroll away.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 amble, saunter, ramble, walk, wander, promenade, meander, stray, Colloq mosey:
    I think I'll stroll over and buy a newspaper.
    2 amble, ramble, saunter, walk, wander, promenade, meander, constitutional:
    Father rarely missed his Sunday stroll in the park.

    Collocation dictionary


    little, short | five-minute, etc.
    The shops are only a ten-minute stroll away.
    | casual, easy, gentle, leisurely | pleasant | moonlit, romantic | afternoon, evening, morning, etc. | after-lunch, post-prandial


    be/go out for, go for, take
    They took a leisurely stroll along the river bank.


    a stroll around (sth)/away
    The beach is only a short stroll away.


    casually, leisurely, slowly | about, around, away, back, down
    They strolled down to the canal.


    across, along, around, down, into, out (of), past, through
    as he strolled leisurely through the streets

    Concise English dictionary

    +a leisurely walk (usually in some public place)
    +walk leisurely and with no apparent aim