
US: /ˈpɹɑd/
UK: /pɹˈɒd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

prod /prod/
  • danh từ
    • vật nhọn, gậy nhọn đầu, cái thúc
    • cú chọc, cú đấm, cú thúc
      • a prod with a bayonet: cú đâm bằng lưỡi lê
  • động từ
    • chọc, đâm, thúc
      • to prod the cows on with a stick: cầm gậy thúc bò đi
    • (nghĩa bóng) thúc giục, khích động

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb (-dd-)
1 ~ (at) sb/sth to push sb/sth with your finger or with a pointed object
Synonym: POKE
[VN] She prodded him in the ribs to wake him up. + [V] He prodded at his breakfast with a fork.
2 [VN] ~ sb (into sth / into doing sth) to try to make sb do sth, especially when they are unwilling: She finally prodded him into action.
+ noun
1 the act of pushing sb with your finger or with a pointed object: She gave him a sharp prod with her umbrella.
2 (informal) an act of encouraging sb or of reminding sb to do sth: If they haven't replied by next week, you'll have to call them and give them a prod.
3 an instrument like a stick that is used for prodding animals

Thesaurus dictionary

1 jab, dig, poke, nudge, elbow:
Every time the comedian said something risqué, Aunt Flora would giggle and prod me in the ribs
2 spur, urge, impel, egg on, push, thrust, prompt, rouse, stir, incite, move, motivate, actuate, activate, provoke, encourage, stimulate:
My uncle keeps prodding me to continue with my studies.
3 incite, goad, needle, irritate, irk, annoy, pester, harass, hector, badger, plague, nag, hound, carp at, cavil; henpeck:
My parents are constantly prodding me to go out and get a job.
4 jab, dig, poke, nudge, elbow, push:
I was quite black and blue from those prods I was getting from Aunt Flora
5 goad, spur; needle, rowel:
These days electrified cattle prods are available.
6 stimulus, push, prompt, reminder, signal, cue:
Calvin needed that prod to make him finally go home after the party.

Concise English dictionary

prodded|prodding|prodsprɑd /prɒd
+a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
+a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion
+to push against gently
+urge on; cause to act
+poke or thrust abruptly