
US: /ɛkˈstætɪk/

UK: /ɛkstˈætɪk/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

ecstatic /eks'tætik/
  • tính từ
    • ở trạng thái mê ly; làm mê ly; dễ bị làm mê ly
    • ngây ngất
    • xuất thần, nhập định; dễ xuất thần
    • danh từ
      • người dễ bị làm mê ly
      • người xuất thần, người nhập định

    Advanced English dictionary

    + adjective
    very happy, excited and enthusiastic; feeling or showing great enthusiasm: Sally was ecstatic about her new job. + ecstatic applause / praise / reviews + He gave an ecstatic sigh of happiness.
    ecstatically adverb: He sighed ecstatically. + For a time, we were ecstatically happy.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    exhilarated, thrilled, exultant, blissful, euphoric, rapturous, enraptured, nympholeptic, enchanted, transported, rhapsodic, excited, elated, delighted, joyful, gleeful, overjoyed, happy, glad, beside oneself, delirious, orgasmic, Colloq on cloud nine, Brit over the moon, in the seventh heaven, cock-a-hoop, US in seventh heaven, flying:
    Our team had won an Olympic gold medal, and we were truly ecstatic.



    appear, be, feel, look | become


    absolutely | not exactly


    Annie was ecstatic about the idea.
    | at
    Martin was not exactly ecstatic at the news.

    Concise dictionary

    +feeling great rapture or delight

    Latest query: ecstatic disclaimer mountains about ngữ liệu restaurant khảo chứng climb countries diabetes go chó go humans resin ambivalent counterpart seaweed conducive considered