
US: /ˈskoʊɫd/
UK: /skˈə‍ʊld/

English Vietnamese dictionary

scold /skould/
  • động từ
    • rầy la, trách mắng, mắng mỏ; gắt gỏng
    • danh từ
      • người đàn bà bẳn tính, người đàn bà hay gắt gỏng; người đàn bà hay chửi rủa

    Advanced English dictionary

    + verb
    ~ sb (for sth / for doing sth) (formal) to speak angrily to sb, especially a child, because they have done sth wrong
    Synonym: TELL OFF
    [VN] He scolded them for arriving late. [also V speech, V]
    scolding noun [usually sing.]: I got a scolding from my mother.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 reprimand, chide, reprove, upbraid, criticize, censure, find fault (with), rebuke, reproach, lecture, berate, rate, castigate, take (someone) to task, find fault with, rap (someone's) knuckles, slap (someone's) wrist, Colloq bawl out, dress down, give (someone) hell, give (someone) what for, jump on (someone), jump down (someone's) throat, call (someone) to account, bring (someone) to book, let (someone) have it with both barrels, give (someone) a piece of (one's) mind, give (someone) a tongue-lashing or a talking-to, give (someone) a hard time, rake or haul (someone) over the coals, tell (someone) off, tick (someone) off, skin (someone) alive, call or have (someone) on the carpet, light or rip or tear or lace or sail into (someone), US chew out, jump all over (someone), Brit carpet:
    When their mother scolded them, they began to cry.
    2 nag, shrew, termagant, virago, fishwife, beldam, harridan, hell-cat, fury, amazon, tigress, Xanthippe, Colloq battleaxe:
    In the old days, they used to take scolds, tie them in a chair at the end of a pole, and dunk them in a pond till they cooled off.

    Collocation dictionary


    gently | severely


    Rose scolded the child gently for her bad behaviour.

    Concise English dictionary

    +someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault
    +censure severely or angrily
    +show one's unhappiness or critical attitude