
US: /ˈteɪks/
UK: /tˈe‍ɪks/

English Vietnamese dictionary

take /teik/
  • danh từ
    • sự cầm, sự nắm, sự lấy
    • chầu, mẻ (số lượng săn được, câu được, bắt được)
      • a great take of fish: mẻ cá lớn
    • tiền thu (trong buổi hoà nhạc, diễn kịch)
    • (điện ảnh) cảnh quay (vào phim)
    • ngoại động từ took; taken
      • cầm, nắm, giữ
        • to take something in one's hand: cầm vật gì trong tay
        • to take someone by the throat: nắm cổ ai
      • bắt, chiếm
        • to be taken in the act: bị bắt quả tang
        • to take a fortress: chiếm một pháo đài
      • lấy, lấy đi, lấy ra, rút ra, trích ra
        • if you take 5 from 12 you have 7 left: lấy 12 trừ 5, anh sẽ còn lại 7
      • mang, mang theo, đem, đem theo
        • you must take your raincoat: anh phải mang theo áo mưa
        • take this letter to the post: hãy mang bức thư này ra nhà bưu điện
      • đưa, dẫn, dắt
        • I'll take the children for a walk: tôi sẽ dẫn bọn trẻ con đi chơi
        • the tram will take you there in ten minutes: xe điện sẽ đưa anh đến đó trong mười phút
      • đi, theo
        • to take a bus: đi xe buýt
        • we must have taken the wrong road: hẳn là chúng tôi đi lầm đường
      • thuê, mướn, mua
        • to take a ticket: mua vé
        • to take a house: thuê một căn nhà
      • ăn, uống, dùng
        • will you take tea or coffee?: anh uống (dùng) trà hay cà phê?
        • to take breakfast: ăn sáng, ăn điểm tâm
        • to take 39 in boot: đi giày số 39
      • ghi, chép, chụp
        • to take notes: ghi chép
        • to have one's photograph taken: để cho ai chụp ảnh
      • làm, thực hiện, thi hành
        • to take a journey: làm một cuộc du lịch
        • to take a bath: đi tắm
      • lợi dụng, nắm
        • to take the opportunity: lợi dụng cơ hội, nắm lấy cơ hội
        • to take advantage of: lợi dụng
      • bị, mắc, nhiễm
        • to take cold: bị cảm lạnh, bị nhiễm lạnh
        • to be taken ill: bị ốm
      • coi như, cho là, xem như, lấy làm, hiểu là, cảm thấy
        • to take a joke in earnest: coi đùa làm thật
        • do you take my meaning?: anh có hiểu ý tôi không?
      • đòi hỏi, cần có, yêu cầu, phải
        • it would take a strong man to move it: phải có một người khoẻ mới chuyển nổi cái này đi
        • it does not take more than two minutes to do it: làm cái đó không (đòi hỏi) mất quá hai phút
      • chịu, chịu đựng, tiếp, nhận
        • to take a beating: chịu một trận đòn
        • enemy troops took many casualties: quân địch bị tiêu diệt nhiều
        • to take all the responsibility: chịu (nhận) hết trách nhiệm
      • được, đoạt; thu được
        • to take a first prize in...: được giải nhất về...
        • to take a degree at the university: tốt nghiệp đại học
      • chứa được, đựng
        • the car can't take more than six: chiếc xe không chứa được quá sáu người
      • mua thường xuyên, mua dài hạn (báo, tạp chí...)
        • the "Times" is the only paper he takes: tờ " Thời báo" là tờ báo độc nhất anh ấy mua dài hạn
      • quyến rũ, hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn
        • to be taken with: bị lôi cuốn, bị quyến rũ, say mê, say đắm
      • vượt qua, đi tới, nhảy vào; trốn tránh ở
        • to take an obstacle: vượt qua một điều trở ngại, vượt qua một vật chướng ngại
        • the thoroughbred takes the hedge with greatest ease: con ngựa nòi vượt qua hàng rào một cách hết sức dễ dàng
        • to take the water: nhảy xuống nước
        • the bandits had taken the forest: bọn cướp đã trốn vào rừng
    • nội động từ
      • bắt, bén (lửa); ngấm, có hiệu lực (thuốc)
        • the medicine did not take: thuốc không có hiệu lực
      • ăn ảnh
        • she does not take well: cô ta không ăn ảnh lắm
      • thành công, được ưa thích
        • his second play took even more than the first: vở kịch thứ hai của ông ta còn thành công hơn cả vở kịch thứ nhất
      • to take after
        • giống
      • he takes after his uncle: nó giống ông chú nó
      • to take along
        • mang theo, đem theo
      • I'll take that book along with me: tôi sẽ mang theo cuốn sách này với tôi
      • to take aside
        • kéo ra một chỗ, đưa ra một chỗ để nói riêng
      • to take away
        • mang đi, lấy đi, đem đi, cất đi
      • to take back
        • lấy lại, mang về, đem về
      • to take back one's words: nói lại, rút lui ý kiến
      • to take down
        • tháo xuống, bỏ xuống, hạ xuống
      • tháo ra, dỡ ra
      • ghi chép
      • làm nhục, sỉ nhục
      • nuốt khó khăn
      • to take from
        • giảm bớt, làm yếu
      • to take in
        • mời vào, đưa vào, dẫn vào, đem vào (người đàn bà mình sẽ ngồi cạnh ở bàn tiệc)
      • tiếp đón; nhận cho ở trọ
        • to take in lodgers: nhận khách trọ
      • thu nhận, nhận nuôi
        • to take in an orphan: nhận nuôi một trẻ mồ côi
      • mua dài hạn (báo chí...)
      • nhận (công việc) về nhà làm
        • to take in sewing: nhận đồ khâu về nhà làm
      • thu nhỏ, làm hẹp lại
        • to take in a dress: khâu hẹp cái áo
      • gồm có, bao gồm
      • hiểu, nắm được, đánh giá đúng
        • to take in a situation: nắm được tình hình
      • vội tin, nhắm mắt mà tin
        • to take in a statement: nhắm mắt mà tin một bản tuyên bố
      • lừa phỉnh, lừa gạt, cho vào tròng, cho vào bẫy
      • to take into
        • đưa vào, để vào, đem vào
      • to take someone into one's confidence: thổ lộ chuyện riêng với ai
      • to take it into one's head (mind): có ý nghĩ, có ý định
      • to take off
        • bỏ (mũ), cởi (quần áo); giật ra, lấy đi, cuốn đi
      • to take off one's hat to somebody: thán phục ai
      • dẫn đi, đưa đi, tiễn đưa (ai)
        • to take oneself off: ra đi, bỏ đi
      • nhổ đi, xoá bỏ, làm mất tích
      • nuốt chửng, nốc, húp sạch
      • bớt, giảm (giá...)
      • bắt chước; nhại, giễu
      • (thể dục,thể thao) giậm nhảy
      • (hàng không) cất cánh
      • to take on
        • đảm nhiệm, nhận làm, gách vác
      • to take on extra work: nhận làm việc thêm (việc ngoài giờ)
      • to take on responsibilities: đảm nhận trách nhiệm
      • nhận đánh cuộc, nhận lời thách đố
        • to take someone on at billiards: nhận đấu bi a với ai
        • to take on a bet: nhận đánh cuộc
      • nhận vào làm, thuê, mướn (người làm...)
      • dẫn đi tiếp
      • (thông tục) choáng váng, xúc động mạnh, bị kích thích; làm hoảng lên
      • to take out
        • đưa ra, dẫn ra ngoài
      • lấy ra, rút ra; xoá sạch, tẩy sạch, làm mất đi
        • to take out a stain: xoá sạch một vết bẩn
        • to take it out of: rút hết sức lực (của ai), làm (ai) mệt lử; trả thù (ai)
      • nhận được, được cấp, được phát (bằng, giấy phép, giấy đăng ký...)
      • nhận (cái gì...) để bù vào; nhận số lượng tương đương để bù vào
        • as he could not get paid he took it out in goods: vì nó không lấy được tiền nên phải lấy hàng bù vào
      • to take over
        • chuyển, chở, đưa, dẫn qua (đường, sông...)
      • tiếp quản, kế tục, nổi nghiệp, tiếp tục
        • we take over Hanoi in 1954: chúng ta tiếp quản Hà nội năm 1954
        • to take over the watch: thay (đổi) phiên gác
      • to take to
        • dùng đến, nhờ cậy đến, cần đến
      • the ship was sinking and they had to take to the boats: tàu bị chìm và họ phải dùng đến thuyền
      • chạy trốn, trốn tránh
        • to take to flight: bỏ chạy, rút chạy
        • to take to the mountain: trốn vào núi
      • bắt đầu ham thích, bắt đầu say mê, tập, nhiễm
        • to take to drinking: bắt đầu nghiện rượu
        • to take to bad habits: nhiễm những thói xấu
        • to take to chemistry: ham thích hoá học
      • có cảm tình, ưa, mến
        • the baby takes to her murse at once: đứa bé mến ngay người vú
        • to take to the streets: xuống đường (biểu tình, tuần hành...)
      • to take up
        • nhặt, cầm lên, lượm lên; đưa lên, dẫn lên, mang lên
      • cho (hành khách) lên (ô tô, xe lửa)
        • the car stops to take up passengers: xe đỗ lại cho hành khách lên, xe đỗ lại lấy khách
      • tiếp tục (một công việc bỏ dở...)
      • chọn (một nghề); đảm nhiệm, gánh vác (một công việc)
      • thu hút, choán, chiếm (thời gian, tâm trí...)
      • hút, thấm
        • sponges take up water: bọt biển thấm (hút) nước
      • bắt giữ, tóm
        • he was taken up by the police: nó bị công an bắt giữ
      • (thông tục) la rầy, quở mắng, trách móc
      • ngắt lời (ai...)
      • đề cập đến, xét đến, bàn đến (một vấn đề)
      • hiểu
        • to take up someone's idea: hiểu ý ai
      • nhận, áp dụng
        • to take up a bet: nhận đánh cuộc
        • to take up a challenge: nhận lời thách
        • to take up a method: áp dụng một phương pháp
      • móc lên (một mũi đan tuột...)
        • to take up a dropped stitch: móc lên một mũi đan tuột
      • vặn chặt (chỗ jơ); căng (dây cáp)
      • to take up with
        • kết giao với, giao thiệp với, đi lại với, thân thiết với, chơi bời với
      • to take aim
        • (xem) aim
      • to take one's chance
        • (xem) chance
      • to take earth
        • chui xuống lỗ (đen & bóng)
      • to take one's life in one's hand
        • liều mạng

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 grip, seize, grasp, clasp, get, get or take hold of, grab, snatch, clutch, catch, capture, obtain, lay hold of, lay (one's) hands on, procure, acquire, gain (possession of), take possession of, secure, win, carry off, abduct, Colloq nab:
    The police took him into custody. He takes what he can get. When it comes to ineptitude, Sue certainly takes the prize.
    2 pick, select, choose, opt for, settle or decide or fasten on or upon:
    When you get to the fork, take the road to the left.
    3 appropriate, arrogate, extract, carry off or away, steal, purloin, pilfer, filch, palm, rob, shoplift, pocket, remove, walk off or away with, run or make off or away with; embezzle, misappropriate, peculate; plagiarize, pirate; Colloq lift, swipe, snitch, Chiefly Brit pinch, nick, Slang knock off, hook, rip off, liberate, US boost, crook:
    They took what didn't belong to them.
    4 reserve, book, engage; hire, rent, lease:
    He took a room in a small hotel, where he began to write detective fiction.
    5 acquire, get, adopt; assume, derive, obtain, draw, receive, inherit:
    He has taken his bad manners from you. The film takes its title from the book.
    6 accept, receive, bear, withstand, stand, endure, weather, tolerate, abide, brave, go through, undergo, suffer, submit to, swallow, Colloq put up with, brook, stomach, Brit stick:
    She took the news about Leon's relapse quite well. I have taken quite enough from you already.
    7 assume, bear, undertake, adopt, arrogate; acknowledge, accept:
    Kevin took full responsibility for the mistake.
    8 believe, think, judge, deem, hold, feel; take for, assess (as), consider (as), regard (as), view (as), accept (for):
    I take people to be honest till proven otherwise. She took him for a fool when they first met.
    9 carry, convey, bear, transport, bring, deliver, ferry; haul, cart:
    Will this train take me to Aylesbury? They took the bicycle to Old Lyme in a van.
    10 take up, study, be involved or occupied in or with, apply oneself to, learn; read, Colloq tackle:
    I cannot believe that Doreen is taking home economics. He took a course in car maintenance.
    11 prove or be effective or efficacious or operative or functional, take effect, take hold, operate, function, work, perform, Colloq do the trick:
    If the transplant fails to take, the doctors will have to operate again.
    12 exact, extract, get:
    She took revenge by denying him certain privileges.
    13 swallow, eat, consume, ingest, devour, gulp down, gobble up or down, wolf, bolt; drink, imbibe, quaff; inhale:
    Rudolf takes pills of every conceivable colour. The doctor said I could take a wee nip now and then. Sonya stepped out to take a breath of fresh air.
    14 subtract, deduct, remove, take away, take from, take off:
    Take three from five. Five, take away two, leaves three. It's cheaper when you've taken off the discount.
    15 end, terminate, annihilate, wipe out; kill:
    The assault on Leningrad took tens of thousands of lives. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
    16 require, demand, need, necessitate, call for:
    Remember, it takes two to tango. It took him two years to complete the fresco. It takes six to sail his yawl.
    17 hold, contain, accommodate, accept, fit in:
    This storage bin cannot take anything else, it's completely full.
    18 convey, lead, conduct; escort, convoy, guide, accompany:
    This road takes you directly to the yacht club. He asked to be taken to the manager's office.
    19 understand, gather, interpret, perceive, apprehend, deduce, conclude, infer, judge, deem, assume, suppose, imagine, see:
    I take it from your expression that you've had bad news.
    20 charm, captivate, capture, attract, lure, allure:
    There was something about him that took her fancy.
    21 use, employ, make use of, establish, put in(to) place, adopt, put into effect, effect, apply; resort to, have recourse to, turn to:
    The police have taken measures to ensure that it doesn't happen again.
    22 clear, get or go over or past or round or through:
    Browning's Delight took the last jump easily. He must have taken that corner at 90!
    23 experience, entertain, feel:
    She seemed to take an instant dislike to me.
    24 express, voice, raise, put forth:
    I hope you will not take objection or exception to what I am about to tell you.
    25 cause or make or induce or drive or persuade (someone) to go or be:
    What takes you to M laga in August?
    26 act, assume, play, perform:
    I'm taking the part of the wicked witch in the local pantomime.
    27 bilk, cheat, swindle, defraud, Colloq con, Brit fiddle:
    When he examined his wallet he realized he'd been taken.
    28 take aback. astound, astonish, surprise, startle, shock:
    She was really taken aback at the news.
    29 take after. a resemble, look like, be the spitting image or the spit and image of, favour, remind one of, Colloq be a chip off the old block:
    He takes after his grandfather.
    (b) Sometimes, take off after. chase, follow, run after, pursue:
    When the man stole the newspaper and ran, the shopkeeper took after him at a gallop.
    30 take back. retract, withdraw, recant, disavow, repudiate:
    He now wants to take back what he said about you.
    31 take down.
    (a) note, make a note or memo or memorandum of, write down, record, put or set down, put in writing, document, transcribe, chronicle:
    Please take down what I am about to tell you.
    (b) debase, deflate, lower, diminish, belittle, depreciate, deprecate, humble, humiliate, shame, disparage, degrade, disgrace:
    She certainly took that pompous ass down a peg or two.
    32 take in.
    (a) accommodate, receive, let in, quarter, board, lodge:
    When her children grew up and left home, she decided to take in lodgers.
    (b) deceive, fool, trick, impose upon, overcharge, cheat, mulct, defraud, cozen, bilk, dupe, gull, hoodwink, swindle, Colloq bamboozle, con, pull the wool over (someone's) eyes, Slang Brit do:
    He was really taken in by that time-share deal.
    (c) include, subsume, embrace, comprise, cover, encompass, contain:
    Our sales figures take in all of North America, not just Canada.
    33 take it.
    (a) withstand or tolerate or survive punishment or abuse, survive:
    The Marines are extremely tough and can take it.
    (b) See 20, above.
    34 take off. a remove, doff, strip or peel off, discard, divest (oneself) of:
    Take off your hat in the house.
    (b) satirize, lampoon, caricature, mock, parody, travesty, burlesque, mimic, imitate, Colloq spoof, Brit send up:
    It is not always easy to take off members of the Cabinet.
    (c) depart, leave, go (away), decamp; fly off, become airborne, lift off, blast off; Colloq skedaddle, make (oneself) scarce, Slang hit the road, scram, beat it, split:
    You'd better take off before they find you here. The plane is due to take off at 18.35.
    35 take on.
    (a) hire, engage, employ, enrol, enlist, retain:
    We are so busy that we have taken on ten new people.
    (b) challenge, rival, face, contend against, oppose, match or pit (oneself) against, vie with, fight:
    Are you in any condition to take on the champion?
    (c) assume, accept, undertake, tackle:
    You might be taking on more than you bargained for.
    36 take out. entertain, escort, invite out; court, woo:
    He took her out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant.
    37 take over. assume or take or usurp or gain control or possession or command of:
    A huge conglomerate is trying to take over our company.
    38 take to.
    (a) like, find pleasant or pleasing, feel affection or liking or affinity for, find suitable:
    We took to each other the very first time we met. He took to computers as a duck takes to water.
    (b) leave or depart or take off for, run for, head for, flee to, make for:
    When the attack came, the villagers took to the hills.
    39 take up.
    (a) pick up, accept, agree to, acquiesce to, accede to:
    She took up his offer, and they've been married for forty years.
    (b) assume, resume, carry on, continue, go on with, follow on with, pick up:
    After a pause, he took up the thread of the story once more.
    (c) espouse, embrace, become interested or involved in, support, sponsor, advocate:
    She took up the cause of women's rights at her age?
    (d) occupy, cover, use (up), fill (up):
    Bernard's exercise equipment now takes up half the living-room.
    (e) deal with, treat, consider, bring up, raise:
    Next week our panellists will take up the question, 'Who benefits from education?'
    40 revenue, takings, yield, return, receipts, proceeds, gain, profit(s); gate, box office:
    How much was the take from the first day?

    Concise English dictionary

    +the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property
    +the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption
    +carry out
    +require (time or space)
    +take somebody somewhere
    +get into one's hands, take physically
    +take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect
    +interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression
    +take something or somebody with oneself somewhere
    +take into one's possession
    +require as useful, just, or proper
    +pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives
    +travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route
    +receive willingly something given or offered
    +assume, as of positions or roles
    +take into consideration for exemplifying purposes
    +experience or feel or submit to
    +make a film or photograph of something
    +remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
    +serve oneself to, or consume regularly
    +accept or undergo, often unwillingly
    +make use of or accept for some purpose
    +take by force
    +occupy or take on
    +admit into a group or community
    +ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial
    +be a student of a certain subject
    +take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs
    +head into a specified direction
    +aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment
    +be seized or affected in a specified way
    +have with oneself; have on one's person
    +engage for service under a term of contract
    +receive or obtain by regular payment
    +buy, select
    +to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort
    +have sex with; archaic use
    +lay claim to; as of an idea
    +be designed to hold or take
    +be capable of holding or containing
    +develop a habit
    +proceed along in a vehicle
    +obtain by winning
    +be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness