
US: /daɪˈvɝsɪti/, /dɪˈvɝsɪti/
UK: /da‍ɪvˈɜːsɪti/

English Vietnamese dictionary

diversity /dai'və:siti/
  • danh từ
    • tính nhiều dạng, tính nhiều vẻ
    • loại khác nhau

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
1 [U, C, usually sing.] a range of many people or things that are very different from each other: the biological diversity of the rainforests + a great / wide / rich diversity of opinion
2 [U] the quality or fact of including a range of many people or things: There is a need for greater diversity and choice in education.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 difference, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, unlikeness, disparity, deviation, divergence, departure, distinctiveness, diverseness, variation, variety, individuality, inconsistency, contrariety, discrepancy, contrast:
Flowers are impressive in their diversity.
2 variety, range, extent, heterogeneity, multiplicity, multifariousness, variegation, multiformity:
Democracy encourages diversity of opinion.

Collocation dictionary


considerable, enormous, extraordinary, great, immense, rich, wide
There is need for greater diversity and choice in education. the rich diversity of the city's cultural life
| growing, increased, increasing | biological, genetic
the need to preserve biological diversity
| cultural, ethnic, linguistic, political, regional


create | encourage, promote
Our party believes in encouraging cultural diversity, not division.
| maintain, preserve, protect
The producer was under pressure to maintain a diversity in his output.
| decrease, increase | allow (for)
Tyrannies do not allow diversity and disagreement.


~ in
diversity in the style of the reports
| ~ of
There is a wide diversity of views on this subject.

Concise English dictionary

+noticeable heterogeneity
+the condition or result of being changed