
US: /ˈsmuð/
UK: /smˈuːð/

English Vietnamese dictionary

smooth /smu:ð/
  • tính từ
    • nhẫn, trơn, mượt; bằng phẳng, lặng
      • sea as smooth as a mill-pond: biển lặng
      • smooth hair: tóc mượt
    • trôi chảy, êm thấm
      • a smooth crossing: một cuộc đi biển yên sóng lặng
    • êm, dịu; nhịp nhàng uyển chuyển
      • smooth voice: tiếng dịu dàng
      • smooth spirit: rượu (uống) êm
      • smooth verse: thơ nhịp nhàng uyển chuyển
    • hoà nhã, lễ độ
      • smooth temper: thái độ hoà nhã
    • ngọt xớt
      • smooth words: lời nói ngọt xớt
      • smooth manners: thái độ ngọt xớt
      • smooth things: những lời khen ngọt để lấy lòng
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) hết sức thú vị, khoái, rất dễ chịu
      • a smooth time: thời gian hết sức thú vị
    • to be in smooth water
      • (xem) water
    • smooth face
      • mặt làm ra vẻ thân thiện
  • danh từ
    • sự vuốt cho mượt
      • to give one's hair a smooth: vuốt tóc cho mượt
    • phần nhẵn (của cái gì)
    • (hàng hải) lúc biển yên sóng lặng
    • ngoại động từ
      • làm cho nhẵn; san bằng
      • giải quyết; dàn xếp, làm ổn thoả
        • to smooth away differences: giải quyết những sự bất đồng
        • to smooth the way with the authorities: dàn xếp (làm đủ thủ tục) với các nhà chức trách
      • che giấu, làm liếm (khuyết điểm)
      • gọt giũa (văn)
      • nội động từ
        • lặng, yên lặng (biển); dịu đi (cơn giận)

      Advanced English dictionary

      adjective, verb
      + adjective (smoother, smoothest)
      flat / even
      1 completely flat and even, without any lumps, holes or rough areas: a lotion to make your skin feel soft and smooth + The water was as smooth as glass. + a paint that gives a smooth, silky finish + Over the years, the stone steps had worn smooth.
      Antonym: ROUGH
      without lumps
      2 (of a liquid mixture) without any lumps: Mix the flour with the milk to form a smooth paste.
      without problems
      3 happening or continuing without any problems: They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business. + They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power.
      4 even and regular, without sudden stops and starts: The car's improved suspension gives you a smoother ride. + The plane made a smooth landing. + She swung herself over the gate in one smooth movement.
      5 (often disapproving) (of people, especially men, and their behaviour) very polite and pleasant, but in a way that is often not very sincere: I don't like him. He's far too smooth for me. + He's something of a smooth operator.
      drink / taste
      6 pleasant and not bitter: This coffee has a smooth, rich taste.
      voice / music
      7 pleasant to hear, and without any harsh sounds: a smooth flowing melody
      smoothness noun [U]: the smoothness of her skin + They admired the smoothness and efficiency with which the business was run.
      Idioms see ROUGH n.
      + verb
      1 ~ sth (back / down / out) to make sth smooth: [VN] rocks smoothed by the sea + He smoothed his hair back. + She was smoothing out the creases in her skirt. + [VN-ADJ] He took the letter and smoothed it flat on the table.
      2 ~ sth on / into / over sth to put a layer of a soft substance over a surface: Smooth the icing over the top of the cake.
      Idioms: smooth the path / way to make it easier for sb/sth to develop or make progress: These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty. + We're trying to smooth the way for women who want to resume their careers.
      smooth (sb's) ruffled feathers to make sb feel less angry or offended
      Phrasal Verbs: smooth sth<->away / out to make problems or difficulties disappear: Any differences between the groups were soon smoothed away. + We are here to smooth out any practical problems for you.
      smooth sth<->over to make problems or difficulties seem less important or serious, especially by talking to people: She spoke to both sides in the dispute in an attempt to smooth things over.

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 regular, even, flush, flat, level, plane, unruffled, unbroken, unwrinkled, undisturbed, tranquil, peaceful, calm, serene, glassy:
      A light breeze rose to ripple the smooth surface of Alan's martini.
      2 slick, sleek, shiny, glossy, glassy, mirror-like, uniform, polished, burnished; silky, silken, velvety, satiny:
      Optical mirrors for telescopes must be as smooth as modern technology can made them. He ran his fingers over the smooth fabric
      3 unobstructed, easy, effortless, free, uncluttered, even, orderly, well-ordered, uneventful, flowing, fluent, unconstrained, uninterrupted:
      There were no obstacles in the way of a smooth return to normal operations. The road to ruin is short and smooth
      4 hairless, bald, bare, naked, clean-shaven, smooth-shaven, depilated, glabrous:
      His smooth pate shone in the moonlight.
      5 soothing, mellow, pleasant, bland, mild, soft:
      That is a very smooth whisky indeed.
      6 suave, slick, slippery, unctuous, silken, silky, glib, urbane, soigné (soignée), agreeable, winning, plausible, facile, nonchalant, courtly, eloquent, honey-tongued, smooth-spoken, persuasive, oily, slimy, syrupy, Colloq chiefly Brit smarmy:
      With his quick understanding and smooth manner, Edward was a very successful salesman
      7 sweet, dulcet, pear-shaped, mellow, well-modulated, silver-tongued:
      The smooth tones of his serenade wafted through the evening air.
      8 slick, scheming, conniving, crafty, shrewd, cunning, tricky, shifty, sly, foxy, Machiavellian, sophistic(al), plausible, credible, believable, Colloq cagey:
      Robinson came up with a very smooth plan to bilk wealthy widows out of their money.
      9 Often, smooth out or away. flatten, even, level, iron, press, mangle, calender:
      Please smooth the wrinkles out of this shirt so that I can wear it tonight
      10 prepare, lay, pave, ease, ready, clear, open, prime, lubricate, facilitate:
      What is your policy for smoothing the way for employees joining the firm?
      11 sand, plane, polish, buff, burnish:
      The wood is smoothed to a glassy finish before being used for the cabinets.
      12 Often, smooth over. ameliorate, assuage, allay, calm, gloss over, minimize, mitigate, lessen, soothe, reduce, temper, mollify, smoothen, soften, palliate, appease:
      An otherwise uncomfortable situation was smoothed over by her quiet words.

      Collocation dictionary

      1 without bumps


      be, feel, look | become | wear sth
      The steps had been worn smooth by the thousands of passing feet.


      beautifully, exceptionally, extremely, really, very
      her beautifully smooth complexion
      | completely, perfectly | almost | fairly, quite | deceptively
      the deceptively smooth surface of the glacier

      2 without problems


      be, feel, look, seem | become


      extremely, incredibly, really, remarkably, very
      The project got off to a remarkably smooth start.
      | completely | not entirely
      The process of negotiation was not entirely smooth.
      | almost | fairly, quite, reasonably, relatively
      a fairly smooth transition to democracy


      carefully, gently
      She smoothed his hair gently.
      | back, down, out
      Her mother smoothed back Alice's hair. Use an iron to smooth out any creases.

      Concise English dictionary

      +the act of smoothing
      +make smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing
      +make (a surface) shine
      +free from obstructions
      +having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities
      +smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication
      +of the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth
      +smooth and unconstrained in movement
      +(music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected
      +of motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or turbulence
      +lacking obstructions or difficulties
      +(of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves