
US: /ˈbikən/
UK: /bˈiːkən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

beacon /'bi:kən/
  • danh từ
    • đèn hiệu
    • (hàng hải) mốc hiệu; cột mốc (dẫn đường)
    • ngọc đồi cao (làm mốc dẫn đường, dùng trong tên địa điểm)
    • sự báo trước, sự cảnh cáo trước
    • người dẫn đường, người hướng dẫn
    • ngoại động từ
      • đặt đèn hiệu
      • soi sáng, dẫn đường

    Advanced English dictionary

    + noun
    1 a light that is placed somewhere to guide vehicles and warn them of danger: a navigation beacon + (figurative) He was a a beacon of hope for the younger generation.
    See also - BELISHA BEACON
    2 a radio station whose signal helps ships and aircraft to find their position: The plane was guided in by radio beacon.
    3 (in the past) a fire lit on top of a hill as a signal

    Thesaurus dictionary

    signal, sign, fire, light, bonfire, flare, signal fire, Very light, rocket; lighthouse, pharos:
    Beacons blazed at the tops of the hills to spread the news of the victory. The drunkard's nose shone like a beacon.

    Concise English dictionary

    +a fire (usually on a hill or tower) that can be seen from a distance
    +a radio station that broadcasts a directional signal for navigational purposes
    +a tower with a light that gives warning of shoals to passing ships
    +shine like a beacon
    +guide with a beacon