
US: /hwɛˈɹæz/, /wɛˈɹæz/
UK: /wˈe‍əɹəz/

English Vietnamese dictionary

whereas /we r' z/
  • liên từ
    • nhưng trái lại, trong khi mà, còn
      • some people like meat with much fat in it whereas others hate it: nhiều người thích thịt mỡ trong khi mà nhiều
      • người khác lại ghét
    • (pháp lý) bởi vì, xét rằng

Advanced English dictionary

1 used to compare or contrast two facts: Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not. + We thought she was arrogant, whereas in fact she was just very shy.
2 (law) used at the beginning of a sentence in an official document to mean 'because of the fact that ...'

Concise English dictionary

whereaseswhere·as || hwer'æz /weər-
adv. where; whereat
noun conditional statement; preamble (used in formal documents)
conj. since, inasmuch as; this being the case; but; while, while on the contrary; for the reason that; although