
US: /tɝˈænɪkəɫ/
UK: /tɪɹˈænɪkə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

tyrannical /ti'rænik/ (tyrannical) /ti'rænikəl/ (tyrannous) /'tirənəs/
  • tính từ
    • bạo ngược, chuyên chế

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
using power or authority over people in an unfair and cruel way: tyrannical power + a tyrannical government + He was brought up by a cruel and tyrannical father.

Thesaurus dictionary

tyrannous, oppressive, dictatorial, Fascistic, despotic, autocratic, authoritarian, arbitrary, imperious, overbearing, unjust, high-handed, severe, harsh, iron-handed, heavy-handed:
The people suffered under one tyrannical form of government after another for generations.

Concise English dictionary

+of or relating to or associated with or resembling a dictatorship
+marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior
+characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty