
US: /ˈneɪbɝˌhʊd/
UK: /nˈe‍ɪbəhˌʊd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

neighbourhood /'neibəhud/
  • danh từ
    • hàng xóm, láng giềng; tình hàng xóm
      • all the neighbourhood likes him: tất cả bà con hàng xóm đều thích anh ta
    • tình trạng ở gần
    • vùng lân cận
      • the neighbourhood of a town: vùng lân cận thành phố
    • in the neighbourhood
      • gần, chừng khoảng
    • in the neighbourhood of fifty kilometers: chừng năm mươi kilômet

Advanced English dictionary

(BrE) (AmE neighborhood)
+ noun
1 a district or an area of a town; the people who live there: We grew up in the same neighbourhood. + a poor / quiet / residential neighbourhood + Manhattan is divided into distinct neighborhoods. + the neighbourhood police / residents / services + He shouted so loudly that the whole neighbourhood could hear him.
2 the area that you are in or the area near a particular place: We searched the surrounding neighbourhood for the missing boy. + Houses in the neighbourhood of Paris are extremely expensive.
Idioms: in the neighbourhood of (of a number or an amount) approximately; not exactly: It cost in the neighbourhood of £400.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 locality, area, region, vicinity, vicinage, environs, quarter, district, precinct(s), purlieus, locale; surroundings, confines:
Houses in the neighbourhood of the blast were levelled.
2 in the neighbourhood of. approximately, about, around, nearly, practically, close to, almost, more or less, Colloq in the ballpark of, in the region of, Brit getting on for, not far off, US within an eyelash of, Slang as near as dammit to:
The playground will cost in the neighbourhood of $5,000.

Collocation dictionary


friendly, nice | respectable, select, smart | poor, run-down | immediate, local, surrounding
They often got together with other parents in the local neighbourhood.
| residential | middle-class, working-class | Asian, black, white, etc. | entire, whole
Before long the whole neighbourhood knew about it.


move into
A lot of new families have moved into the neighbourhood.


police, policing | school


around/round the ~
There were various parks around the neighbourhood.
| in a/the ~
There was a large school in the neighbourhood.
| outside a/the ~
It was a car from outside the immediate neighbourhood.

Concise English dictionary

+a surrounding or nearby region
+people living near one another