
UK: /pˈæɹəlˌa‍ɪz/

English Vietnamese dictionary

paralyse /'pærəlaiz/ (paralyze) /'pærəlaiz/
  • ngoại động từ
    • (y học) làm liệt
    • (nghĩa bóng) làm tê liệt, làm đờ ra
      • to be paralysed with fear: đờ người ra vì sợ

Advanced English dictionary

(BrE) (AmE paralyze) verb [VN] [often passive]
1 to make sb unable to feel or move all or part of their body: The accident left him paralysed from the waist down. + (figurative) paralysing pain / heat + (figurative) She stood there, paralysed with fear.
2 to prevent sth from functioning normally: The airport is still paralysed by the strike.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 immobilize, inactivate, deactivate, transfix; halt, stop:
The stroke paralysed his entire left side. As the thing approached, the children became paralysed by fear
2 deaden, numb, freeze, anaesthetize, benumb, render insensible:
This injection will paralyse your thumb so that we can operate on it.
3 disable, cripple, incapacitate, disenable:
His left leg was paralysed in the accident.

Collocation dictionary


completely, totally | partially, partly
He was partially paralysed by the fall.
| almost, virtually


be paralysed from the chest/neck/waist down, be paralysed with fear, leave sb paralysed
The accident left her paralysed.

Concise English dictionary

+make powerless and unable to function
+cause to be paralyzed and immobile