
US: /ˈmaɪɫd/
UK: /mˈa‍ɪld/

English Vietnamese dictionary

mild /maild/
  • tính từ
    • nhẹ
      • a mild punishment: một sự trừng phạt nhẹ
      • tuberculosis in a mild form: bệnh lao thể nhẹ
    • êm dịu, không gắt, không xóc (thức ăn, thuốc lá, thuốc men...)
      • mild beer: rượu bia nhẹ
    • dịu dàng, hoà nhã, ôn hoà
      • mild temper: tính tình hoà nhã
    • ôn hoà, ấm áp (khí hậu, thời tiết...)
    • mềm, yếu, nhu nhược, yếu đuối
      • mild steel: thép mềm, thép ít cacbon
    • draw it mild
      • (thông tục) đừng làm quá!, hãy ôn hoà!

Advanced English dictionary

adjective, noun
+ adjective (milder, mildest)
1 not severe or harsh: a mild form of the disease + a mild punishment / criticism + It's safe to take a mild sedative. + Use a soap that is mild on the skin.
2 (of weather) not very cold, and therefore pleasant: the mildest winter since records began + a mild climate
Compare: HARD
3 (of feelings) not great or extreme
Synonym: SLIGHT
mild irritation / amusement / disapproval + a mild state of shock + She looked at him in mild surprise.
4 (of people or their behaviour) gentle and kind; not usually getting angry or violent: a mild woman, who never shouted
5 (of a flavour) not strong, spicy or bitter: a mild curry + mild cheese
Antonym: HOT
mildness noun [U]: the mildness of a sunny spring day + her mildness of manner
+ noun [U] (BrE) a type of clear dark beer with a mild flavour: Two pints of mild, please.
Compare: BITTER

Thesaurus dictionary

1 placid, peaceful, calm, tranquil, bland, mellow, inoffensive, gentle, serene, good-natured, affable, amiable, kind, kindly, equable, easygoing, temperate, non-violent, conciliatory, indulgent, merciful, forgiving, compassionate, lenient, forbearing, peaceable, pacific, passive, submissive, yielding, tractable, meek, unassuming, modest, quiet, subdued:
Judge Leaver is known for his mild disposition.
2 clement, balmy, warm, fair, pleasant, temperate, placid, moderate:
We've had a succession of mild winters here.
3 bland, soothing, lenitive, mollifying, demulcent, emollient, gentle, calming, softening:
The doctor recommended a mild laxative.

Collocation dictionary

1 not very cold


be | turn
Towards the end of the week the weather turned very mild.
| remain


very | quite, relatively
It's quite mild for the time of year.
| surprisingly, unseasonably, unusually
The late summer air was surprisingly mild.

2 not severe or strong


be, seem
The infection seems quite mild, so she should be better soon.


very | comparatively, fairly, pretty, quite, reasonably, relatively
a fairly mild flavour

3 gentle and kind


be, sound
His voice was deceptively mild.


seemingly | deceptively

Concise English dictionary

+moderate in type or degree or effect or force; far from extreme
+humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness
+mild and pleasant