
UK: /dˈɒd‍ʒi/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

dodgy /'dɔdʤi/
  • tính từ
    • tinh ranh, láu cá, lắm mưu; khéo lẩn tránh, khéo thoái thác

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective (informal, BrE)
1 seeming or likely to be dishonest
He made a lot of money, using some very dodgy methods. + I don't want to get involved in anything dodgy.
2 not working well; not in good condition: I can't play-I've got a dodgy knee. + The marriage had been distinctly dodgy for a long time.
3 involving risk, danger or difficulty: If you get into any dodgy situations, call me. + We had a few dodgy moments at the start, but everything went well in the end.

Thesaurus dictionary

tricky, dangerous, perilous, risky, difficult, ticklish, sensitive, delicate, touchy; uncertain, unreliable; rickety, Colloq chancy, hairy, Brit dicky, dicey:
Climbing up the sheer face of that rock could be a bit dodgy. You shouldn't be exerting yourself with your dodgy ticker.

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