
US: /ˈdʒəstəˌfaɪd/
UK: /d‍ʒˈʌstɪfˌa‍ɪd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

  • tính từ
    • (justified in doing something) có lý do chính đáng để làm điều gì
      • As the goods were damaged, she felt fully justified in asking for money back: Do hàng hoá bị hư hao, cô ta thấy có đủ lý do chính đáng để đòi tiền lại
    • hợp lý, đã được chính minh là đúng
      • justified criticism/suspicion/anger: sự phê phán/sự nghi ngờ/sự tức giận cò lý do chính đáng

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
1 ~ (in doing sth) having a good reason for doing sth: She felt fully justified in asking for her money back.
2 existing or done for a good reason: His fears proved justified.

Collocation dictionary


be, feel, prove, seem


The suspicion proved amply justified.
| completely, entirely, fully, perfectly, quite, totally | hardly | partially, partly | clearly | easily, readily
a logical and easily justified decision
| economically, financially, legally, morally, rationally, scientifically, theoretically
Can her actions be morally justified?


She felt fully justified in asking for a refund.

Concise English dictionary

+show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for
+show to be right by providing justification or proof
+defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning
+let off the hook
+adjust the spaces between words