
US: /ˈsɛntʃɝi/
UK: /sˈɛnt‍ʃəɹi/

English Vietnamese dictionary

century /'sentʃuri/
  • danh từ
    • trăm năm, thế kỷ
    • trăm (cái gì đó...)
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) trăm đô la
    • (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) (La mã) đại đội (gồm 100 người)

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun (plural centuries)
1 a period of 100 years
2 (abbreviation c, cent.) any of the periods of 100 years before or after the birth of Christ: the 20th century (= AD19012000 or 19001999) + eighteenth-century writers + By the close of this century another two billion people will have been born.
3 (in cricket) a score of 100 RUNS by one player in one INNINGS
Idioms see TURN n.

Collocation dictionary


19th, 20th, etc.
a 17th-century building
| earlier, last, later, past, previous
Later centuries saw the development of a complex transport system.
| new, next
a celebration to welcome the new century
| present


during the ~
The town's population doubled during the 19th century.
| for ~s
There have been orchards in this region for centuries..
| in the … ~
He lived in the 16th century.
| over the ~s
a marble floor worn smooth over the centuries
| through the ~s
a tradition passed down through the centuries
| throughout the ~
America's influence on culture grew throughout the 20th century.


centuries old
a centuries old custom
| the turn of the century

Concise English dictionary

+a period of 100 years
+ten 10s