
US: /ˈɡʊɹˌmeɪ/
UK: /ɡˈɔːme‍ɪ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

gourmet /'guəmei/
  • danh từ
    • người sành ăn, người sành rượu

Advanced English dictionary

+ noun
a person who knows a lot about good food and wines and who enjoys choosing, eating and drinking them
gourmet adjective [only before noun]: gourmet food (= of high quality and often expensive)

Thesaurus dictionary

epicure, connoisseur, Lucullus, gastronome, gourmand, bon vivant, bon viveur:
My dear, that was a dinner fit for a gourmet!

Concise English dictionary

gourmetsgʊr'meɪ /'gʊəmeɪ ,'gɔː
+a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink)