
US: /ˈfɹəsˌtɹeɪt/
UK: /fɹʌstɹˈe‍ɪt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

frustrate /frʌs'treit/
  • ngoại động từ
    • làm thất bại, làm hỏng
      • to be frustrate in one's plan: bị thất bại trong kế hoạch
    • chống lại, làm cho mất tác dụng; làm cho vô hiệu quả
      • to frustrate the effects of poison: làm mất tác dụng của chất độc
    • làm thất vọng, làm vỡ mộng

Advanced English dictionary

+ verb [VN]
1 to make sb feel annoyed or impatient because they cannot do or achieve what they want: What frustrates him is that there's too little money to spend on the project.
2 (written) to prevent sb from doing sth; to prevent sth from happening or succeeding: The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad weather. + He tried to frustrate his political opponents by denying them access to the media.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 thwart, foil, stymie, block, baffle, check, balk or baulk, disappoint, discourage, forestall, prevent, stop, halt, cripple, hinder, hamper, impede, hamstring, defeat, counteract, neutralize, nullify, counter, fight off, repel, repulse:
So far, we have been able to frustrate take-over bids for the company.
2 discourage, disappoint, upset, exasperate:
I feel frustrated because mother won't let me help with the bills.

Concise English dictionary

frustrates|frustrated|frustrating'frʌstreɪt /frʌ'streɪt
+hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
+treat cruelly