US: /fɝˈmæɫdəˌhaɪd/, /fɔɹˈmæɫdəˌhaɪd/
UK: /fɔːmˈældɪhˌaɪd/
UK: /fɔːmˈældɪhˌaɪd/
English Vietnamese dictionary
formaldehyde /fɔ:'mældihaid/
- danh từ
- hoá fomanddêhyt
Advanced English dictionary
+ noun [U]
1 (Symbol CH2O) a colourless gas with a strong smell
2 (also technical formalin ) a liquid made by mixing formaldehyde and water, used for preserving BIOLOGICAL SPECIMENS, making plastics and as a DISINFECTANT: His most famous artistic offering consists of a dead shark floating in a tank of formaldehyde.