
US: /ˌɪmˈpɹɛst/
UK: /ɪmpɹˈɛst/

English Vietnamese dictionary

impress /im'pres/
  • danh từ
    • sự đóng dấu
    • dấu (đóng vào, in vào...)
    • (nghĩa bóng) dấu ấn
      • a work bearing an impress of genius: tác phẩm mang dấu ấn của một thiên tài
  • ngoại động từ
    • đóng, in (dấu lên cái gì); đóng dấu vào, in dấu vào (cái gì)
      • to impress the wax with a stamp: đóng dấu vào miếng sáp bằng con dấu
    • ghi sâu vào, khắc sâu vào, in sâu vào
      • to impress something on the memory: ghi sâu cái gì vào ký ức
    • gây ấn tượng; làm cảm động, làm cảm kích
      • to be deeply impressed by someone's kindness: cảm kích sâu sắc vì lòng tốt của ai
  • ngoại động từ
    • (sử học) cưỡng bách (thanh niên...) tòng quân, bắt (thanh niên...) đi lính
    • trưng thu, sung công (hàng hoá...)
    • đưa vào, dùng (những sự kiện... để làm dẫn chứng, để lập luận...)

Thesaurus dictionary

1 affect, touch, move, reach, stir, strike, sway, influence, persuade, Colloq grab, get under one's skin:
She was genuinely impressed by his sincerity.
2 print, imprint, stamp, mark, engrave, emboss:
Before the bowl was placed in the kiln, the potter's seal was impressed in its underside
3 Often, impress on or upon. stress, emphasize, urge, bring home (to):
They tried to impress on him the gravity of the situation.

Collocation dictionary


be, look, seem, sound


deeply, enormously, especially, extremely, greatly, immensely, mightily, much, overwhelmingly, particularly, profoundly, really, terribly, tremendously, very (much) | less than, not overly
I was not overly impressed by the proposals.
| fairly, mildly, quite | enough, sufficiently
The prince was impressed enough to commission a portrait from the artist.
| genuinely | immediately, instantly | favourably | duly, suitably
He mentioned a few famous acquaintances, and we were suitably impressed.
| clearly, obviously


The manager was favourably impressed by Jo's work.
| with
He was very impressed with her house.

Concise English dictionary

+the act of coercing someone into government service
+have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
+impress positively
+produce or try to produce a vivid impression of
+mark or stamp with or as if with pressure
+reproduce by printing
+take (someone) against his will for compulsory service, especially on board a ship
+dye (fabric) before it is spun