
US: /ˌdɪsɹɪˈɡɑɹd/
UK: /dˌɪsɹɪɡˈɑːd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

disregard /'disri'gɑ:d/
  • danh từ ((thường) + of, for)
    • sự không để ý, sự không đếm xỉa đến, sự bất chấp, sự coi thường, sự coi nhẹ
      • in disregard of: bất chấp không đếm xỉa (cái gì)
  • ngoại động từ
    • không để ý đến, không đếm xỉa đến, bất chấp, coi thường, coi nhẹ

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb [VN] to not consider sth; to treat sth as unimportant: The board completely disregarded my recommendations. + Safety rules were disregarded.
+ noun [U] ~ (for / of sb/sth) the act of treating sb/sth as unimportant and not caring about them/it: She shows a total disregard for other people's feelings. + The company showed a reckless disregard for the safety of the environment.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 ignore, overlook, pay little or no heed or attention to, take little or no notice or account of, dismiss from one's mind or thoughts, turn a blind eye or deaf ear to, brush aside, pass up, wink or blink at, make light of, let go by, gloss over, Rare pretermit:
I shall disregard those insulting remarks.
2 snub, slight, turn up one's nose at, disparage, despise, contemn, disdain, scorn, (give the) cold shoulder (to), cut; underrate, underestimate, take little or no account of, undervalue, minimize, dismiss, sneeze at, Slang brush off, give the go-by:
Visitors often disregard the cultural attractions of Las Vegas.
3 disrespect, contempt, indifference, inattention, non-observance, neglect, heedlessness, Rare pretermission; disdain, low regard, disesteem:
Some drive with a profound disregard for the law.

Collocation dictionary


complete, total, utter | blatant, flagrant | callous, cavalier, cynical | reckless, wanton
their reckless disregard for human life
| blithe, fine
(ironic) With a fine disregard for geography, she decided to start her journey to Paris by sailing to the Hook of Holland.


demonstrate, show


~ for
He showed complete disregard for the feelings of his family.
| ~ of
their flagrant disregard of the rules

Concise English dictionary

+lack of attention and due care
+willful lack of care and attention
+refuse to acknowledge
+bar from attention or consideration
+give little or no attention to