
US: /dɪˈskɑɹd/

English Vietnamese dictionary

discard /'diskɑ:d/
  • danh từ (đánh bài)
    • sự chui bài, sự dập bài
    • quân chui bài, quân bài dập
    • ngoại động từ
      • (đánh bài) chui, dập
      • bỏ, loại bỏ, vứt bỏ (quần áo, thói quen, lòng tin...)
      • đuổi ra, thải hồi (người làm...)

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun
    + verb
    1 [VN] ~ sb/sth (as sth) to get rid of sth that you no longer want or need
    Synonym: CAST ASIDE
    The room was littered with discarded newspapers. + He had discarded his jacket because of the heat. + 10% of the data was discarded as unreliable + (figurative) She could now discard all thought of promotion.
    2 [VN, V] (in card games) to get rid of a card that you do not want
    + noun
    a person or a thing that is not wanted or thrown away, especially a card in a card game

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 get rid of, dispense with, dispose of, throw away or out, toss out or away, abandon, jettison, scrap, Colloq trash, dump, Slang ditch:
    We discarded boxes of old photographs when we moved house.
    2 reject, cast-off:
    I felt like a discard from the lonely hearts club.

    Collocation dictionary


    completely, entirely
    These ideas have now been completely discarded.


    in favour of
    Older managers have been discarded in favour of younger people.

    Concise English dictionary

    +anything that is cast aside or discarded
    +(cards) the act of throwing out a useless card or to failing to follow suit
    +getting rid something that is regarded as useless or undesirable
    +throw or cast away