
US: /ˈmoʊbəˌɫaɪz/

English Vietnamese dictionary

mobilize /'moubilaiz/ (mobilise) /'moubilaiz/
  • động từ
    • huy động, động viên
      • to mobilize the army: động viên quân đội

Advanced English dictionary

(BrE also mobilise) + verb
1 to work together in order to achieve a particular aim; to organize a group of people to do this: [VN] The unions mobilized thousands of workers in a protest against the cuts. [also V]
2 [VN] to find and start to use sth that is needed for a particular purpose
Synonym: MARSHAL
They were unable to mobilize the resources they needed.
3 if a country mobilizes its army, or if a country or army mobilizes, it makes itself ready to fight in a war: [V] The troops were ordered to mobilize. [also VN]
mobilization, mobilisation noun [U]

Thesaurus dictionary

assemble, marshal, conscript, enrol, enlist, organize, muster, levy, rally, activate, call up, prepare, ready, US draft:
A huge army was mobilized, virtually overnight.

Collocation dictionary


effectively, successfully


They successfully mobilized public opinion against him.

Concise English dictionary

+make ready for action or use
+call to arms; of military personnel
+get ready for war
+cause to move around