
US: /kənˈsɑɫɪˌdeɪt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

consolidate /kən'sɔlideit/
  • ngoại động từ
    • làm (cho) chắc, củng cố
      • to consolidate the road surface: làm chắc mặt đường (bằng cách cán đầm...)
      • to consolidate a military position: củng cố một vị trí quân sự
      • to consolidate one's position: củng cố địa vị
      • to consolidate the friendship between two countries: củng cố tình hữu nghị giữa hai nước
    • hợp nhất, thống nhất
      • to consolidate two factories: hợp nhất hai nhà máy
  • nội động từ
    • trở nên chắc chắn, trở nên vững chắc

Advanced English dictionary

+ verb
1 to make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more likely to continue: [VN] With this new movie he has consolidated his position as the country's leading director. + Italy consolidated their lead with a second goal. [also V]
2 (technical) to join things together into one; to be joined into one: [VN] All the debts have been consolidated. + consolidated accounts + [V] The two companies consolidated for greater efficiency.
consolidation noun [U]: the consolidation of power / authority / democracy + the consolidation of Japan's banking industry

Concise English dictionary

+unite into one
+make firm or secure; strengthen
+bring together into a single whole or system
+form into a solid mass or whole
+make or form into a solid or hardened mass