
US: /ˈkəɫɝ/
UK: /kˈʌlɐ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

colour /'kʌlə/
  • danh từ
    • màu, sắc, màu sắc
    • (số nhiều) thuốc vẽ, thuốc màu
    • nghệ thuật vẽ màu
    • nước da, sắc da (mặt)
      • to change colour: biến sắc
      • to lose one's colour: tái đi, xanh xao
      • to have a high colour: có nước da hồng hào
    • màu sắc, vẻ, sắc thái, nét
      • local colour: màu sắc địa phương
      • the colour of a newspaper: màu sắc chính trị của một tờ báo
      • his story has some colour of truth: câu chuyện của anh ta có vẻ thật
    • (số nhiều) cờ; màu cờ, sắc áo (để phân biệt giữa các đội thể thao...)
      • troopong of the colours: lễ chào cờ
      • to get one's colours: được gia nhập hội
    • cớ
      • under colour of: lấy cớ là
    • to be off colour
      • không khoẻ, khó chịu, khó ở
    • không đúng màu, bệch bạc
    • đáng ngờ, đáng nghi ngại; không tốt lắm
      • his reputation was a trifle off colour: tiếng tăm của anh ta cũng chẳng tốt đẹp gì lắm đâu
    • chưa đủ, còn tồi
      • he has mighty little English and may native was still off colour: anh ta biết ít tiếng Anh quá, mà vốn tiếng địa phương của tôi thì còn tồi quá
    • to call to the colours
      • (quân sự) động viên, gọi nhập ngũ
    • to cast (give, put) false colours on
      • tô điểm thêm, bóp méo, làm sai sự thật
    • to cast (put) lively colours on
      • tô màu sặc sỡ; tô hồng (cái gì)
    • to come off with flying colours
      • thành công rực rỡ
    • gây được uy tín
    • to come out in one's true colours
      • để lộ rõ chân tướng
    • to desert the colours
      • (quân sự) đào ngũ
    • to gain colour
      • lại có da, có thịt, lại có sắc mặt, lại hồng hào
    • to join the colours
      • (quân sự) nhập ngũ, tòng quân
    • to lower one's colours
      • hạ cờ; đầu hang, chịu thua
    • to nail colours to mast
      • kiên quyết bênh vực quan điểm của mình; kiên quyết không chịu lui; kiên quyết đuổi theo đến cùng
    • to paint in dark colours
      • vẽ màu tối; bôi đen (cái gì)
    • to paint something in true colours
      • nói lên sự thật của cái gì
    • to sail under false colours
      • (hàng hải) treo cờ giả
    • (nghĩa bóng) giấu tên thật để hoạt động
    • (nghĩa bóng) đánh lừa, chê đậy ý định thật
    • to see the colours of someone's money
      • được ai trả cho chút tiền (trong số lớn của nợ)
    • to see things in their true colours
      • nhìn sự thật của vấn đề
    • to show one's colours x show to stick to one's colours
      • trung thành, kiên định (với ý định của mình, với đảng phái...)
    • to take colour with somebody
      • đứng hẳn về phe ai
  • ngoại động từ
    • tô màu
    • (nghĩa bóng) tô điểm, tô vẽ
      • to colour a story: tô điểm cho câu chuyện
  • nội động từ
    • đổi màu, ngả màu
      • to leaves have begun to colour: lá bắt đầu ngả màu
    • ửng đỏ, đỏ bừng (mặt)

Advanced English dictionary

(BrE) (AmE color) noun, verb
+ noun
red, green, etc.
1 [C, U] the appearance that things have that results from the way in which they reflect light. Red, orange and green are colours: What's your favourite colour? + bright / dark / light colours + available in 12 different colours + the colour of the sky + Her hair is a reddish-brown colour. + to add / give / lend colour to sth (= make it more colourful) + Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour, flavour and texture. + The garden was a mass of colour.
2 [U] (usually before another noun) the use of all the colours, not only black and white: a colour TV in every room + colour photography / printing + a full-colour brochure + Do you dream in colour?
of face
3 [U] a red or pink colour in sb's face, especially when it shows that they look healthy or that they are embarrassed: The fresh air brought colour to their cheeks. + Colour flooded her face when she thought of what had happened. + His face was drained of colour (= he looked pale and ill).
of skin
4 [U, C] the colour of a person's skin, when it shows the race they belong to: discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or religion + (especially AmE) a person / man / woman of colour (= who is not white)
5 [C, U] a substance that is used to give colour to sth: a semi-permanent hair colour that lasts six to eight washes
interesting details
6 [U] interesting and exciting details or qualities: The old town is full of colour, character and attractions. + Her acting added warmth and colour to the production.
of team / country, etc.
7 (colours) [pl.] the particular colours that are used on clothes, flags, etc. to represent a team, school, political party or country: Red and white are the team colours. + Spain's national colours + (figurative) There are people of different political colours on the committee.
8 (colours) [pl.] (especially BrE) a flag, BADGE, etc. that represents a team, country, ship, etc: Most buildings had a flagpole with the national colours flying. + sailing under the French colours
Idioms: off colour [not before noun] (BrE, informal)
1 not in good health; looking or feeling ill: Jo seems a little off colour today.
2 [usually before noun] (especially AmE) an off-colour joke is one that people think is rude, usually because it is about sex
see the colour of sb's money (especially spoken) to make sure that sb has enough money to pay for sth: You need to see the colour of his money before you sell him the car.
more at NAIL v., TRUE adj., FLYING adj.
+ verb
put colour on sth
1 to put colour on sth using paint, coloured pencils, etc: [V] The children love to draw and colour. + a colouring book (= with pictures that you can add colour to) + [VN] How long have you been colouring (= dying) your hair? + [VN-ADJ] He drew a monster and coloured it red.
of face
2 [V] ~ (at sth) (written) (of a person or their face) to become red with embarrassment
Synonym: BLUSH
She coloured at his remarks.
3 [VN] to affect sth, especially in a negative way: This incident coloured her whole life. + Don't let your judgement be coloured by personal feelings.
Phrasal Verbs: colour sth<->in to put colour inside a particular area, shape, etc. using coloured pencils, CRAYONS, etc: I'll draw a tree and you can colour it in.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 hue, tint, tincture, shade, tone, cast, tinge, pigmentation; pigment, dye:
The colours of the curtains don't match the wall.
2 colours.
(a) flag, ensign, standard, pennant, banner, burgee:
The sloop hoisted the British colours.
(b) device, badge, emblem, insigne or pl insignia, symbol(s), identification; identity, appearance, face; loyalties:
The investigators found he'd been operating under false colours. She has shown her true colours at last.
3 tint, dye, stain, paint, crayon, tincture, tinge; pigment:
These sections will stand out better if you colour them red.
4 influence, affect, distort, falsify, taint, warp, twist, slant, pervert, bias:
Jealousy colours his opinion of his supervisor.
5 blush, redden, flush:
After their affair, she visibly coloured whenever they met.
6 falsify, distort, misrepresent, disguise, mask, conceal:
He feigns confusion when he wishes to colour his true feelings.

Collocation dictionary


off ~
(= looking or feeling ill)

1 quality that makes sth red, etc.

3 interesting or exciting details


bold, bright, brilliant, vivid,


a journalist in search of a
vibrant | dark, deep
Dark colours bit of local colour suit you best.
| intense, rich,


add, give sth, lend strong
the intense colour of new His asides lent colour to the story. leaves
| light, muted, pale,


full of colour pastel, soft, subdued, subtle | dull | garish, gaudy, loud, lurid | autumn/autumnal, earthy, warm | sombre | attractive, beautiful, lovely | complementary, contrasting | matching | basic | primary, secondary | indeterminate, neutral | natural | blue, red, etc.
The curtains went a strange orange colour when we washed them.
| eye, hair, skin
What is her natural hair colour?


dash, flash, splash | mass, riot
The garden is a riot of colourin spring.
| spot, touch


Thechameleon changes colour tomatch its surroundings.
| add
Thesilk cushions add colour to anotherwise dull room.


match (sth) | clash | fade | run
This colour runs, sowash the shirt separately.


combination, range, scheme
We have tochoose a colour scheme for thedining room.
| illustration, photograph, photography, printing, reproduction | monitor, television


in ~
The flowers are pale bluein colour. Is the film in colour orblack and white? The book islavishly illustrated in full colour. |
in a ~
The scarf is available in sixdifferent colours.


a combination/range of colours2
redness in the face


heightened, high
You couldtell she was excited by theheightened colour in her cheeks. |


You have a bitmore colour in your cheeks now. |
The walk brought colour toher face.
| be drained of, drain of, lose
His face drained of allcolour.


flood sth, rise
Colour flooded her cheeks. Thecolour rose in his face.
| drain
Thecolour drained from her face whenshe saw him.
| come back, return
Gradually the colour returned tohis cheeks.


heavily, strongly
His opinions are heavily coloured by his own experiences.
| naturally

Concise English dictionary

+any material used for its color
+a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks)
+(physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction; each flavor of quarks comes in three colors
+interest and variety and intensity
+the timbre of a musical sound
+a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect
+an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading
+the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person's perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation
+modify or bias
+decorate with colors
+gloss or excuse
+affect as in thought or feeling
+add color to
+change color, often in an undesired manner
+having or capable of producing colors