
US: /ˈbɪt/
UK: /bˈɪt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

bit /bit/
  • danh từ
    • miếng (thức ăn...); mảnh mẫu
      • a dainty bit: một miếng ngon
      • a bit of wood: một mẫu gỗ
      • a bit of string: một mẫu dây
      • to smash to bits: đập tan ra từng mảnh
    • một chút, một tí
      • wait a bit: đợi một tí, đợi một chút
      • he is a of a coward: hắn ta hơi nhát gan một chút
    • đoạn ngắn (của một vai kịch nói, trong sách...)
    • (một) góc phong cảnh (thực hoặc vẽ)
    • đồng tiền
      • a threepeny bit: đồng ba xu (Anh)
    • bits and pieces
      • đồ tạp nhạp
    • bit by bit
      • dần dần; từ từ
    • a bit long in the tooth
      • không còn là trẻ con nữa, lớn rồi
    • bits of children
      • những em bé tội nghiệp
    • bits of furniture
      • đồ đạc lắt nhắt tồi tàn
    • to do one's bit
      • làm tròn bổn phận mình; đóng góp phần mình (vào việc nghĩa...)
    • to get a bit on
      • (thông tục) ngà ngà say
    • to give someone a bit of one's mind
      • (xem) mind
    • not a bit
      • không một tí nào
    • I am not a bit tired: tôi không mệt một tí nào
  • danh từ
    • mũi khoan; đầu mỏ hàn; mũi kim; mỏ chìa khoá
    • hàm thiếc ngựa
    • (nghĩa bóng) sự kiềm chế
    • to draw the bit
      • (xem) draw
    • to take the bit between one's teeth
      • chạy lồng lên (ngựa)
    • nổi cơn tam bành; không tự kiềm chế được
    • ngoại động từ
      • đặt hàm thiếc (cho ngựa); làm cho (ngựa) quen hàm thiếc
      • (nghĩa bóng) kiềm chế, nén, hãm lại, kìm lại
      • thời quá khứ & động tính từ quá khứ của bite

      Advanced English dictionary

      + noun
      small amount
      1 (a bit) [sing.] (used as an adverb) (especially BrE) rather; a little: These trousers are a bit tight. + 'Are you tired?' 'Yes, I am a bit.' + It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend. + I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit.
      2 (a bit) [sing.] (especially BrE) a short time or distance: Wait a bit! + Can you move up a bit? + Greg thought for a bit before answering.
      3 [C] ~ of sth (especially BrE) a small amount or piece of sth: some useful bits of information + With a bit of luck, we'll be there by 12. + I've got a bit of shopping to do. + a bit of cake + bits of grass / paper
      part of sth
      4 [C] (especially BrE) a part of sth larger: The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon. + The school play was a huge success-the audience roared with laughter at all the funny bits.
      large amount
      5 [sing.] a ~ (of sth) (informal, especially BrE) a large amount: 'How much does he earn?' 'Quite a bit!' + The new system will take a bit of getting used to (= it will take a long time to get used to).
      6 [C] the smallest unit of information used by a computer
      for horse
      7 [C] a metal bar that is put in a horse's mouth so that the rider can control it
      8 [C] a tool or part of a tool for DRILLING (= making) holes
      See also - DRILL
      9 (AmE, informal) an amount of money equal to 12? cents
      See also - BITE, BIT, BITTEN v.
      Idioms: the (whole) ...bit (informal, disapproving) behaviour or ideas that are typical of a particular group, type of person or activity: She couldn't accept the whole drug-culture bit.
      bit by bit a piece at a time; gradually: He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit. + Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me.
      a bit much (informal) not fair or not reasonable: It's a bit much calling me at three in the morning. + The noise from next door is getting a bit much.
      a bit of a ... (informal, especially BrE) used when talking about unpleasant or negative things or ideas, to mean 'rather a ...': We may have a bit of a problem on our hands. + The rail strike is a bit of a pain.
      a bit of all right (BrE, slang) a person that you think is sexually attractive: Dave's new girlfriend is a bit of all right, isn't she?
      a bit of rough (BrE, slang) a person of a low social class who has a sexual relationship with sb of a higher class
      a bit on the side (BrE, slang) the boyfriend or girlfriend of sb who is already married or in a steady sexual relationship with sb else: Is he your bit on the side?
      bits and pieces / bobs (BrE, informal) small objects or items of various kinds: She stuffed all her bits and pieces into a bag and left.
      do your bit (informal) to do your share of a task: We can finish this job on time if everyone does their bit.
      every bit as good, bad, etc. (as sb/sth) just as good, bad, etc.; equally good, bad, etc: Rome is every bit as beautiful as Paris. + He's every bit as clever as she is.
      get the bit between your teeth (informal) to become very enthusiastic about sth that you have started to do so that you are unlikely to stop until you have finished
      not a bit
      not one (little) bit not at all; not in any way: 'Are you cold?' 'Not a bit.' + It's not a bit of use (= there's no point in) complaining. + I don't like that idea one bit.
      not a bit of it! (informal, BrE) used for saying that sth that you had expected to happen did not happen: You'd think she'd be tired after the journey but not a bit of it!
      to bits
      1 into small pieces: The book fell to bits in my hands. + She took the engine to bits, then carefully put it together again.
      2 (spoken, informal) very much: I love my kids to bits. + She was thrilled to bits when I said I'd come.
      more at BLIND adj., CHAMP v.
      a bit / a little
      In BrE it is common to use a bit to mean 'slightly' or 'to a small extent': These shoes are a bit tight. + I'll be a bit later home tomorrow. + Can you turn the volume up a bit?
      It is more common in AmE to say a little,or (informal) a little bit. You can also use these phrases in BrE: These shoes are a little bit too tight. + I'll be a little later home tomorrow. + Can you turn the volume up a little bit?

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 morsel, piece, scrap, fragment, shred, particle, grain, crumb:
      We didn't have a bit of food in the house.
      2 jot, tittle, whit, scintilla, trace, touch, hint, suggestion, suspicion, particle, iota, speck, atom:
      There's not the slightest bit of evidence to link her with the crime.
      3 moment, minute, second, flash, Colloq two shakes (of a lamb's tail):
      I'll be with you in a little bit.
      4 piece, share, equity, segment, portion, part, fraction:
      He owns a little bit of the business.

      Collocation dictionary

      1 a bit small amount


      little, teensy
      He helped me a little bit in the afternoon.


      just a bit
      I'm still just a bit confused.

      2 a bit: large amount


      fair, good
      It rained a fair bit during the night. We made a good bit of progress.

      VERB + BIT

      The new system will take quite a bit of getting used to (= it will take a long time to get used to).


      quite a bit
      It rained quite a bit during the night.
      | just a bit
      (ironic) ‘Has it been difficult for you at work?’ ‘Just a bit (= it has been very difficult).’

      2 part/piece of sth


      little, small, tiny | big, large
      A big bit of stone had fallen off the wall.
      | good, nice
      The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon. I've got us a nice bit of fish for dinner.
      | boring
      I read it, but I missed out the boring bits.
      | odd
      He managed to get odd bits of work, but no regular job.

      VERB + BIT

      pick out, pick up
      Listen to the interview again and pick out the bits you want to use in the article. She tore the letter up and threw it on the floor. Marion stooped to pick up the bits. I picked up a bit of information that might interest you.

      BIT + VERB

      fall off
      I'm worried because bits keep falling off my car.


      ~ of


      bits and bobs/pieces
      (= small items of various kinds)My mother has some bits and pieces to give you.
      | blow/pull/smash sth to bits
      All the crockery had been smashed to bits.
      | do your bit
      (= do your share of a task)We can finish this job on time if everyone does their bit.
      | fall to bits
      My briefcase eventually fell to bits.

      Concise English dictionary

      +a small quantity
      +a small fragment of something broken off from the whole
      +an indefinitely short time
      +an instance of some kind
      +piece of metal held in horse's mouth by reins and used to control the horse while riding
      +a unit of measurement of information (from binary