
US: /ˈbaɪndɪŋ/
UK: /bˈa‍ɪndɪŋ/

English Vietnamese dictionary

binding /'baindiɳ/
  • danh từ
    • sự liên kết, sự ghép lại, sự gắn lại, sự trói lại, sự buộc lại, sự bó lại
    • sự đóng sách
    • bìa sách
    • đường viền (quần áo)
    • tính từ
      • bắt buộc, ràng buộc
        • to have binding force: có sức ràng buộc
        • this regulation is binding on everybody: điều lệ này bắt buộc mọi người phải theo
      • trói lại, buộc lại, làm dính lại với nhau

    Advanced English dictionary

    adjective, noun
    + adjective
    ~ (on / upon sb) that must be obeyed because it is accepted in law: a binding promise / agreement / contract + The decision is binding on both parties. + The judge said the document was not legally binding.
    + noun
    1 [C, U] the cover that holds the pages of a book together: rare books in leather bindings
    2 [C, U] fabric that is fastened to the edge of sth to protect or decorate it
    3 [C] a device on a ski that holds the heel and toe of your boot in place and releases the boot automatically if you fall

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 tie, fasten, secure, make fast, tie up:
    The thieves bound him hand and foot.
    2 constrain; hold, oblige, obligate:
    The contract we signed is equally binding on both parties. The union is bound by an agreement that expires in a month.
    3 gird, encircle, wreathe, wrap, cover, swathe, bandage:
    They were binding his wounded head.
    4 cement, stick, cause to adhere; attach, connect:
    Ordinary glue will bind these pieces together.
    5 Colloq US dilemma, predicament, tight spot, (difficult) situation, Colloq pickle, fix, jam:
    I'm in a real bind because I've invited two girls to the party.
    6 Colloq Brit annoyance, irritant, bother, bore, trial, ordeal, irritation, vexation, Colloq pain (in the neck or arse):
    It was a bit of a bind having to wait three hours at the airport.

    Collocation dictionary


    be | become


    absolutely | legally, morally


    The decisions of the European Court are binding on the United Kingdom.

    Concise English dictionary

    +the capacity to attract and hold something
    +strip sewn over or along an edge for reinforcement or decoration
    +the act of applying a bandage
    +the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book
    +executed with proper legal authority
    +hindering freedom of movement
    +causing constipation

    +something that hinders as if with bonds
    +stick to firmly
    +create social or emotional ties
    +make fast; tie or secure, with or as if with a rope
    +wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose
    +secure with or as if with ropes
    +bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted
    +form a chemical bond with
    +provide with a binding
    +fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord
    +cause to be constipated