
US: /ˈtɛɹəst/

UK: /tˈɛɹɪst/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

terrace /'terəs/
  • danh từ
    • nền đất cao, chỗ đất đắp cao
    • (kiến trúc) mái bằng, sân thượng; sân hiên
    • dãy nhà
    • (địa lý,địa chất) thềm
    • ngoại động từ
      • đắp cao thàn nền, đắp cao

    Advanced English dictionary

    + adjective
    1 (BrE) used to describe houses that form part of a terrace, or streets with houses in terraces: a terraced cottage + terraced housing + terraced streets
    2 (of a slope or the side of a hill) having a series of flat areas of ground like steps cut into it: a terraced garden + a terraced hillside

    Concise dictionary

    +usually paved outdoor area adjoining a residence
    +a level shelf of land interrupting a declivity (with steep slopes above and below)
    +a row of houses built in a similar style and having common dividing walls (or the street on which they face)
    +provide (a house) with a terrace
    +make into terraces as for cultivation

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