
US: /səˈpɔɹt/

UK: /səpˈɔːt/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

support /sə'pɔ:t/
  • danh từ
    • sự ủng hộ
      • to give support to somebody: ủng hộ ai
      • to require support: cần được sự ủng hộ
      • to speak in support of somebody: phát biểu ý kiến ủng hộ ai
    • người ủng hộ
      • the chief support of the cause: người ủng hộ chính của sự nghiệp
    • người nhờ cậy, nơi nương tựa, cột trụ (của gia đình...); nguồn sinh sống
      • the sole support of one's old age: người nhờ cậy độc nhất trong lúc tuổi gìa
    • vật chống, cột chống
    • ngoại động từ
      • chống, đỡ
      • truyền sức mạnh, khuyến khích
        • what supported him was hope: điều khuyến khích anh ta là nguồn hy vọng
      • chịu đựng, dung thứ
        • to support fatigue well: chịu đựng mệt giỏi
      • nuôi nấng, cấp dưỡng
        • to support a family: nuôi nấng gia đình
      • ủng hộ
        • to support a policy: ủng hộ một chính sách
        • to support an institution: ủng hộ (tiền) cho một tổ chức
      • chứng minh, xác minh
        • to support a charge: chứng minh lời kết tội
      • (sân khấu) đóng giỏi (một vai)

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, noun
    + verb [VN]
    encourage / give help
    1 ~ sb/sth (in sth) to help or encourage sb/sth by saying or showing that you agree with them/it
    Synonym: BACK
    to support a proposal / ban / reform + The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage. + These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups. + If you raise it at the meeting, I'll support you.
    2 to give or be ready to give help to sb if they need it: an organization that supports people with Aids + She supported her husband through many difficult times. + The company will support customers in Europe (= solve their problems with the product).
    provide money, etc.
    3 to help or encourage sth to be successful by giving it money: Several major companies are supporting the project.
    4 to provide everything necessary, especially money, so that sb/sth can live or exist: Mark has two children to support from his first marriage. + He turned to crime to support his drug habit. + The atmosphere of Mars could not support life. + She supported herself through college by working as a waitress in a local bar. + The town supports a small fishing fleet.
    hold in position
    5 to hold sb/sth in position; to prevent sb/sth from falling: a platform supported by concrete pillars + Support the baby's head when you hold it. + She walked carefully down the stairs, supported by her grandson.
    help prove sth
    6 to help to show that sth is true: The witness's story was not supported by the evidence. + The results of the experiment supported her theory.
    sports team
    7 (BrE) to like a particular sports team, watch their games, etc: Which team do you support?
    + noun
    encouragement / money
    1 [U] ~ (for sth) encouragement and help that you give to sb/sth because you approve of them and want them to be successful: There is strong public support for the change. + Can I rely on your support (= will you vote for me) in the election? + Only a few people spoke in support of the proposal. + Local businesses have provided financial support. + She has no visible means of support (= no work, income etc.). + The idea has met with widespread support. + to lend / pledge / withdraw your support
    2 [U] sympathy and help that you give to sb who is in a difficult or unhappy situation: Her family and friends have given her lots of support. + Thanks for all your support on the day of the funeral.
    See also - MORAL SUPPORT
    holding in position
    3 [C] a thing that holds sth and prevents it from falling: The supports under the bridge were starting to bend. + (figurative) When my father died, Jim was a real support.
    4 [U] the act of holding sth firmly in position or preventing it from falling: I wrapped a bandage around my ankle to give it some support. + She held on to his arm for support.
    5 [C] something you wear to hold an injured or weak part of your body firmly in position: a knee / back support
    6 [U] evidence that helps to show that sth is true or correct: The statistics offer further support for our theory.

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 back (up), stand by, help, bolster, uphold, brace, strengthen, fortify, buttress, prop (up), shore up, reinforce, boost, champion, assist, take up the cudgels for, aid, promote, forward, second, advance, advocate, stand up for, be supportive (of or in), Colloq stick up for:
    Peterson agreed to support him in his bid for the presidency.
    2 brace, hold up, carry, prop (up); strengthen, shore up, reinforce, fortify, buttress:
    You need a column to support this beam.
    3 tolerate, bear, stand (for), suffer, submit to, undergo, brook, stomach, endure, abide, countenance, face, Brit stick, Colloq put up with:
    He cannot support the notion that she might be guilty.
    4 pay for, fund, maintain, keep, finance, subsidize, underwrite, sponsor, Colloq US bankroll:
    I can no longer support myself or my family.
    5 sustain, withstand, stand, take, bear, tolerate, hold up under, weather:
    His legs were too weak to support his own weight.
    6 verify, corroborate, authenticate, vouch for, endorse, confirm, affirm, bear out, attest to, certify, substantiate, validate, ratify:
    Can anyone support his alibi?
    7 help, backing, backup, reinforcement, bolstering, encouragement, reinforcing, fortifying, assistance, aid, succour, sustenance:
    Thank you for your support over the years.
    8 brace, prop, stay, frame, foundation, underpinning, substructure, truss, beam, column, pillar, strut, guy, guy wire, mainstay, buttress, bolster, reinforcement, supporter:
    The supports failed under the grandstand and it fell, injuring a few. Alan was a tremendous support during my illness.
    9 sustenance, (living) expenses, keep, maintenance, subsistence, upkeep; finances, funding:
    Mona is suing David for the support of their child. He lives mainly on government support.


    1 help and encouragement


    complete, full, total | active, considerable, enthusiastic, firm, generous, good, great, loyal, massive, overwhelming, solid, strong, tremendous, unqualified, wholehearted
    The socialist candidate enjoys the firm support of local industry. the company's generous financial support of the arts The poll revealed massive support for the proposal. The plan received strong support from farmers.
    | unflagging, unstinting, unswerving, unwavering
    We would like to thank Edna Hales for her unstinting support over the years.
    | growing, increased, increasing | continued, continuing | broad, community, general, majority, mass, popular, public, wide/widespread
    The government has lost majority support in the Assembly.
    | main | limited, lukewarm, qualified
    My idea only received lukewarm support from my colleagues.
    | adequate, sufficient | direct, indirect | long-term
    people who need long-term support at home
    | personal
    The proposal has the personal support of the president.
    | mutual
    The parents of the sufferers get together for mutual support.
    | international | Labour, Liberal, etc. | all-party, bipartisan, cross-party | administrative, economic, electoral, emotional, financial, moral, political, practical, technical, etc.
    She took her sister with her to the interview for moral support.
    | government, official, state | air, military, naval | price
    a price support mechanism


    enjoy, have
    The policy has the support of the community.
    | derive, draw, get, receive
    Which groups does the party draw most of its support from?
    | enlist, find, gain, mobilize, secure, win
    Campaigners have enlisted the support of their local MP.
    | attract, cultivate, drum up, muster, rally, recruit, seek, solicit, whip up | give sb/sth, lend (sb/sth), offer (sb/sth), provide (sb/sth with), throw
    organizations that provide support and advice to small businesses She threw her full support behind him.
    | lose | cut (off), withdraw | need, require
    She will need a lot of emotional support at this difficult time.
    | count on, rely on
    Can I count on your support?
    | announce, come out in, confirm, demonstrate, express, pledge, reaffirm, show
    one of the first scientists to come out in support of ‘The Origin of Species’ Many TV celebrities have already pledged their support to the appeal.
    | bolster, broaden, build (up), increase, strengthen
    The government is trying to build popular support for an unwinnable war.
    | weaken


    Support came from all sections of the community.
    | grow, rise
    Support for the Liberals has risen to 30 per cent.
    | fall


    He had no support base within the party.
    | group
    a local support group for single parents
    | network | services


    in ~ of
    an intense campaign in support of the proposal
    | with/without … ~
    The pipeline is to be built with international support.
    | ~ against
    Farmers mobilized considerable support against government plans to remove import restrictions.
    | ~ among
    The party wishes to broaden its support among professionals.
    | ~ between
    mutual support between local cooperatives
    | ~ for
    The president has expressed his support for the project.
    | ~ from
    The policy has broad support from industry.


    a base of support
    Fears that instability would return under the Democrats gave the government a broad base of support.
    | a cut/decline in support, an expression of support
    The rebel leader claimed to have received expressions of support from all the neighbouring countries.
    | a lack of support, a source of support

    2 money to buy food, clothes, etc.


    child, family, social | income


    Families earning below a certain amount can claim child support.


    a means of support

    3 sth that carries the weight of sb/sth


    firm | additional, extra | back, knee, etc. | roof


    give sth
    The piece of wood under the mattress is to give my back extra support.


    hold onto sb/sth for support
    He held onto his wife for support as he left the hospital.

    1 help/encourage/agree with sb/sth


    fervently, overwhelmingly, strongly
    The people of this country overwhelmingly support their president. I strongly support the view that education should be available to everyone.
    | fully, wholeheartedly | unanimously | actively
    The group is actively supported by several Members of Parliament.
    | tacitly | enthusiastically | loyally
    He has supported the party loyally for over twenty years.
    | ably
    The soloists were ably supported by the University Singers.


    agree to, be pledged to, pledge to, promise to
    He promised to support me at the meeting.
    | be prepared to, be willing to | fail to, refuse to


    Very few countries supported the United States in its action.


    be widely supported
    These policies were widely supported in the country.

    2 show that sth is true/correct


    The evidence strongly supports his claims.


    appear to, seem to, tend to

    3 give sb money


    financially | generously


    help (to)


    Her parents supported her all through college.

    Concise dictionary

    supports|supported|supportingsə'pɔrt /-'pɔːt
    +the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities
    +aiding the cause or policy or interests of
    +something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest
    +a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission
    +documentary validation
    +the financial means whereby one lives
    +supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation
    +the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening
    +a subordinate musical part; provides background for more important parts
    +any device that bears the weight of another thing
    +financial resources provided to make some project possible
    +give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to
    +support materially or financially
    +be behind; approve of
    +be the physical support of; carry the weight of
    +establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
    +adopt as a belief
    +support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm
    +argue or speak in defense of
    +play a subordinate role to (another performer)
    +be a regular customer or client of
    +put up with something or somebody unpleasant

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