US: /ˈɡəvɝmənt/, /ˈɡəvɝnmənt/
UK: /ɡˈʌvənmənt/
English - Vietnamese dictionary
government /'gʌvnmənt/- danh từ
- sự cai trị, sự thống trị
- chính phủ, nội các
- the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam: chính phủ nước Việt Nam dân chủ cộng hoà
- to form a government: lập chính phủ
- chính quyền
- central government: chính quyền trung ương
- local government: chính quyền địa phương
- chính thể
- democratic government: chính thể dân chủ
- monarchic government: chính thể quân chủ
- bang; tỉnh (địa hạt dưới quyền cai trị của một viên thống đốc hoặc thủ hiến)
- sự cai quản
- under petticoat government: dưới sự cai quản của vợ; dưới quyền phụ nữ
- sự kiềm chế
- government of oneself: sự tự kiềm chế
- (ngôn ngữ học) sự chi phối
Advanced English dictionary
+ noun1 [C+sing./pl. v.] (often the Government) (abbreviation govt) the group of people who are responsible for controlling a country or a state: to lead / form a government + the last Conservative government + the government of the day + Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision. + She has resigned from the Government. + The Government has / have been considering further tax cuts. + government policies / officials / ministers + a government department / agency / grant + government expenditure / intervention + government-controlled industries
2 [U] a particular system or method of controlling a country: coalition / communist / totalitarian government + Democratic government has now replaced military rule. + central / federal government
3 [U] the activity or the manner of controlling a country: corrupt / strong government + The Democrats are now in government in the US.
Thesaurus dictionary
1 rule, command, authority, regulation, control, management, direction, administration, sway, superintendence, supervision, oversight, guidance, domination:
His government of the island has led to disorder.
2 administration, ministry, regime:
The government intends to ban smoking in public places.
1 people in control of a country
central, federal, local, national, provincial, regional | Communist, Conservative, Labour, etc.
the country's new Communist government
| left-wing, right-wing | coalition | minority
The socialists won 42% of the seats and formed a minority government.
| caretaker, interim, transitional
The president dissolved the assembly and swore in an interim government.
| military | puppet | French, Western, etc.
The report on world poverty calls for urgent action from Western governments.
The present government was elected last year.
| form
A nre government was formed in September of that year.
| install
A puppet government was installed as the occupying forces withdrew.
| swear in | head, run
a new government headed by a former military leader
| bring down, destabilize, oust, overthrow, topple
This crisis could bring down the British government. The group aims to overthrow the military government.
come to power | take office
On May 23 a coalition government took office.
| fall, resign
a national emergency that could cause the government to fall
| announce sth
The government announced the cancellation of the dam project.
| introduce sth, launch sth
agency, body, department | funds, money | aid, assistance, backing, funding, grant, subsidy, support | expenditure, spending | cuts
The hospital has been hit by government cuts.
| control | intervention, involvement
calls for government intervention in the dispute
| minister, official, representative, spokesman | sources
According to government sources, two people died in the incident.
| figures, statistics | post | reshuffle
The former minister was relieved of his post in last month's extensive government reshuffle.
| decisions, legislation, measures, plans, policy, proposals | report | propaganda
in ~
a problem facing whichever party is in government
| under a/the ~
measures that were introduced under the last government
a change of government
It is time we had a change of government.
| the government of the day
This was a decision taken by the government of the day.
| a member of a government
The prime minister has been meeting members of the French government.
2 act of governing
democratic, representative | firm, good, strong
We need strong government to take the country through this crisis.
| weak
Concise dictionary
governments'gʌvərnmənt /'gʌvn-noun
+the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit
+(government) the system or form by which a community or other political unit is governed
+the act of governing; exercising authority
+the study of government of states and other political units