US: /ˈɡæs/
UK: /ɡˈæs/
English - Vietnamese dictionary
gas /gæs/- danh từ
- khí
- khí thắp, hơi đốt
- khí tê (dùng khi chữa răng) ((cũng) laughing gas)
- (quân sự) hơi độc, hơi ngạt
- khí nổ (mỏ, than)
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) dầu xăng
- (thông tục) chuyện rỗng tuếch không đâu vào đâu, chuyện tầm phào; chuyện huyên hoang khoác lác
- to step on the gas
- (xem) step
- ngoại động từ
- cung cấp khí thấp, cung cấp hơi đốt (cho một căn buồng)
- hơ (chỉ, sợi...) qua đèn khí (cho hết lông tơ)
- thắp sáng bằng đén khí
- thả hơi độc, thả hơi ngạt, làm ngạt bằng hơi độc
- (thông tục) lừa bịp (ai) bằng những lời huênh hoang khoác lác
- nội động từ
- xì hơi
- nói dông dài; nói chuyện tầm phào; huyên hoang khoác lác
Advanced English dictionary
noun, verb+ noun
(plural gases or less frequent gasses)
not solid / liquid
1 [C, U] any substance like air that is neither a solid nor a liquid, for example HYDROGEN and OXYGEN are both gases: Air is a mixture of gases. + CFC gases + a gas bottle / cylinder (= for storing gas)
See also -
2 [U] a particular type of gas or mixture of gases used as fuel for heating and cooking: a gas cooker / fire / furnace / oven / ring / stove + a gas explosion / leak + gas central heating + (BrE) Preheat the oven to gas mark 5 (= a particular temperature of a gas oven)
See also -
3 [U] a particular type of gas used during a medical operation, to make the patient sleep or to make the pain less: an anaesthetic gas + Did you have gas or an injection? + During the birth she was given gas and air.
See also -
4 [U] a particular type of gas used in war to kill or injure people, or used by the police to control people: a gas attack
See also -
in vehicle
5 [U] (AmE) = PETROL: a gas station
6 (the gas) [sing.] (especially AmE) = GAS PEDAL: Step on the gas, we're late.
7 [sing.] (especially AmE) a person or an event that is fun: The party was a real gas.
in stomach
8 [U] (AmE) = WIND (2)
Idioms see COOK v.
+ verb (-ss-)
kill / harm with gas
1 [VN] to kill or harm sb by making them breathe poisonous gas: She gassed herself with fumes from the car's exhaust pipe. + He was gassed in the war.
2 [V] (usually used in the progressive tenses) (old-fashioned, informal) to talk for a long time about things that are not important
Synonym: CHAT
I thought he'd never stop gassing!
1 substance like air
noxious, poisonous, toxic | explosive, inflammable, radioactive | inert | exhaust, greenhouse
pollution from greenhouse gases
| nerve, tear
Police used water cannon and tear gas against demonstrators.
give off, produce
It gives off a poisonous gas as it rots down.
build up
Noxious gases had built up in the sewer.
| escape, leak
Toxic gases can escape through one of the pipes.
2 for heating/cooking
butane, coal, natural, propane | bottled, Calor
cook with
I prefer to cook with gas.
| light, turn on
I lit the gas and put the soup on to warm.
appliance, boiler, central heating, cooker, fire, lamp, oven | bottle, cylinder, pipeline | board | industry | field
tapping the North Sea gas fields
| supply | works
Local gas works were closed as natural gas became available.
| leak
All gas leaks should be reported as soon as possible.
gas mark 2, 3, etc.
Set the oven at gas mark 4.
Concise dictionary
+the state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid states by: relatively low density and viscosity; relatively great expansion and contraction with changes in pressure and temperature; the ability to diffuse readily; and the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout any container
+a fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely
+a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines
+a state of excessive gas in the alimentary canal
+a pedal that controls the throttle valve
+a fossil fuel in the gaseous state; used for cooking and heating homes
+attack with gas; subject to gas fumes
+show off