
US: /ˈwɑnt/, /ˈwɔnt/
UK: /wˈɒnt/

English Vietnamese dictionary

want /wɔnt/
  • danh từ
    • sự thiếu, sự không có, sự khuyết
      • want of food: sự thiếu thức ăn
      • want of thought: sự thiếu suy nghĩ
    • sự cần, sự cần thiết
      • the house is in want of repair: nhà cần sửa chữa
    • ((thường) số nhiều) nhu cầu, những cái cần thiết
      • he is a man of few wants: ông ta là một người ít nhu cầu
    • cảnh túng thiếu, cảnh nghèo
      • to be in want: sống thiếu thốn
  • ngoại động từ
    • thiếu, không có
      • to want patience: thiếu khiên nhẫn
      • it wants five minutes to seven: bảy giờ kém năm
    • cần, cần có, cần dùng
      • to want a rest: cần nghỉ ngơi
      • hair wants cutting: tóc phải hớt rồi đấy
    • muốn, muốn có
      • he wants to go with us: hắn muốn đi với chúng ta
      • what else do you want?: anh còn muốn gì khác nữa?
    • tìm, kiếm, tìm bắt, truy nã
      • to want a situation: tìm một công ăn việc làm
      • the suspect is wanted by the police: kẻ tình nghi đang bị công an truy nã
  • nội động từ
    • thiếu, không có
      • to want for nothing: không thiếu gì cả
    • túng thiếu
      • communism will not let anyone want: chủ nghĩa cộng sản sẽ không để cho ai túng thiếu
    • to want for
      • thiếu, cần; (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) muốn
    • to want in
      • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) muốn vào, muốn gia nhập
    • to want out
      • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) muốn ra, muốn rút ra

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb (not usually used in the progressive tenses)
1 to have a desire or a wish for sth: [VN] Do you want some more tea? + She's always wanted a large family. + All I want is the truth. + Thanks for the present-it's just what I wanted. + (informal) I can do whatever I want. + The last thing I wanted was to upset you. + The party wants her as leader. + [V to inf] What do you want to do tomorrow? + 'It's time you did your homework.' 'I don't want to!' + There are two points which I wanted to make. + [VN to inf] Do you want me to help? + We didn't want this to happen. + I want it (to be) done as quickly as possible.
Help Note: Notice that you cannot say 'want that ...': I want that you do it quickly. When the infinitive is used after want, it must have to:
I want study in America. [VN -ing] I don't want you coming home so late. + [VN-ADJ] Do you want your coffee black or white? + [V] (spoken, informal) You can come too, if you want.

2 (informal) to need sth: [VN] We'll want more furniture for the new office. + What this house wants is a good clean. + It wants a special sort of person for that job. + [V -ing, V to inf] The plants want watering daily. + The plants want to be watered daily.
3 [VN] [usually passive] to need sb to be present in the place or for the purpose mentioned: She's wanted immediately in the director's office. + Excuse me, you're wanted on the phone.
See also - WANTED
should / ought to
4 [V to inf] (informal) used to give advice to sb, meaning 'should' or 'ought to': If possible, you want to avoid alcohol. + He wants to be more careful.
feel sexual desire
5 [VN] to feel sexual desire for sb
6 [VN] (formal) to lack sth: He doesn't want courage.
Idioms: not want to know (about sth) (informal) to take no interest in sth because you do not care about it or it is too much trouble: I've tried to ask her advice, but she doesn't want to know (= about my problems).
want rid of sb/sth (BrE, spoken, informal) to want to be free of sb/sth that has been annoying you or that you do not want: Are you trying to say you want rid of me?
what do you want? used to ask sb in a rude or angry way why they are there or what they want you to do
more at NONE pron., PART n., TRUCK n., WASTE v., WAY n.
Phrasal Verbs: want for sth (especially in negative sentences) (formal) to lack sth that you really need: He's ensured that his children will want for nothing (= will have everything they need).
want sth from / out of sth/sb to hope to get sth from a particular experience or person: I had to discover what I really wanted out of life. + What do you want from me?
want in / out (informal, especially AmE) to want to come in or out of a place: The dog wants in.
want in
want in / into sth (informal) to want to be involved in sth: He wants in on the deal.
want out
want out of sth (informal) to want to stop being involved in sth: Jenny was fed up. She wanted out.
+ noun (formal)
sth you need
1 [C, usually pl.] something that you need or want: human / bodily wants + She spent her life pandering to the wants of her children.
2 [U, sing.] ~ of sth (formal) a situation in which there is not enough of sth; a lack of sth: a want of adequate medical facilities
being poor
3 [U] (formal) the state of being poor, not having food, etc: Visitors to the slums were clearly shocked to see so many families living in want.
Idioms: for (the) want of sth because of a lack of sth; because sth is not available: The project failed for want of financial backing. + We call our music 'postmodern' for the want of a better word. + We went for a walk for want of something better to do.
in want of sth (formal) needing sth: The present system is in want of a total review.
not for (the) want of doing sth used to say that if sth is not successful, it is not because of a lack of effort: If he doesn't manage to convince them, it won't be for want of trying (= he has tried hard).

want / like / care (for sth/to do sth)
Would you like...? is the most usual polite question form for offers and invitations, especially in BrE: Would you like a cup of coffee?
Do you want...? is less formal and more direct. It is more common in AmE than in BrE: We're going to a club tonight. Do you want to come with us?
Would you care...? is very formal and now sounds old-fashioned.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 desire, crave, wish (for), long for, pine for, hope (for), fancy, covet, hanker after, lust after, hunger for or after, thirst for or after, yearn for, Colloq have a yen for:
I want you near me. Ignore his crying - he just wants some ice-cream. Maybe he's crying because he wants to go.
2 need, lack, miss, require, call for, demand, be deficient in, be or stand in want or in need of, necessitate; be or fall short of:
This engine wants proper maintenance. The bottle wants only a few more drops to fill it.
3 need, lack, shortage, deficiency, dearth, scarcity, scarceness, insufficiency, scantiness, inadequacy, paucity:
For want of good writers, the literary quarterly diminished in size and finally disappeared.
4 appetite, hunger, thirst, craving, desire, fancy, wish, longing, yearning, hankering, demand, necessity, requirement, requisite, prerequisite, Colloq yen:
She gave up trying to satisfy his wants.
5 poverty, need, indigence, homelessness, destitution, privation, pauperism, penury, neediness, impecuniousness:
The civilized nations are trying to solve the problems of want, which seem to increase daily.

Collocation dictionary




meet, satisfy, see to
a society that satisfied all human wants


for ~ of
Refugees are dying for want of proper health care.
| in ~
Thousands of children are living in want.

Concise English dictionary

wants|wanted|wantingwɑnt /wɒnt
+a state of extreme poverty
+the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable
+anything that is necessary but lacking
+a specific feeling of desire
+feel or have a desire for; want strongly
+have need of
+wish or demand the presence of
+hunt or look for; want for a particular reason
+be without, lack; be deficient in