
US: /ˈvaɪɫ/
UK: /vˈa‍ɪl/

English Vietnamese dictionary

vile /vail/
  • tính từ
    • hèn hạ, đê hèn
      • vile language: giọng lưỡi hèn hạ
      • vile offence: sự xúc phạm đê hèn
    • tồi, kém, không có giá trị
    • (thông tục) thật là xấu, khó chịu
      • vile weather: thời tiết thật là xấu
      • a vile temper: tính tình khó chịu

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective (viler, vilest)
1 (informal) extremely unpleasant or bad: a vile smell / taste + The weather was really vile most of the time. + He was in a vile mood.
2 (formal) wicked; completely unacceptable: the vile practice of taking hostages
vilely adverb
vileness noun [U]

Thesaurus dictionary

1 base, abject, contemptible, debased, degenerate, depraved, bad, iniquitous, execrable, atrocious, sordid, immoral, amoral, wicked, evil, sinful, hellish, fiendish, ignoble, revolting, despicable, horrid, horrible, dreadful, terrible, corrupt, mean, wretched, miserable, degrading, ignominious, disgraceful, shameful, shameless:
In every age, the vilest specimens of human nature are to be found among demagogues.
2 disgusting, nasty, sickening, nauseous, nauseating, foul, loathsome, offensive, noxious, repulsive, repellent, repugnant:
It is, indeed, a vile disease, but at least it is not contagious. She had prepared some vile cocktail that I refused to drink.

Concise English dictionary

+morally reprehensible
+causing or able to cause nausea