
US: /ˈtɹɪpəɫ/
UK: /tɹˈɪpə‍l/

English Vietnamese dictionary

triple /'tripl/
  • tính từ
    • có ba cái, gồm ba phần
      • Triple Alliance: đồng minh ba nước
      • triple time: (âm nhạc) nhịp ba
    • ba lần, gấp ba
    • động từ
      • gấp ba, nhân ba, tăng lên ba lần
        • to triple the income: tăng thu nhập lên ba lần
        • the output tripled: sản lượng tăng gấp ba

    Advanced English dictionary

    adjective, verb
    + adjective [only before noun]
    1 having three parts or involving three people or groups: a triple heart bypass operation + a triple alliance / partnership + They're showing a triple bill of horror movies (= three horror movies one after the other).
    2 three times as much or as many as sth: The amount of alcohol in his blood was triple the legal maximum. + Its population is about triple that of Venice. + a triple murderer (= one who has killed three people)
    triply adverb
    + verb
    to become, or to make sth, three times as much or as many
    Synonym: TREBLE
    [V] Output should triple by next year. [also VN]

    Concise English dictionary

    +a base hit at which the batter stops safely at third base
    +a set of three similar things considered as a unit
    +a quantity that is three times as great as another
    +increase threefold
    +hit a three-base hit
    +having three units or components or elements
    +three times as great or many