
US: /ˌsɝəpˈtɪʃəs/
UK: /səɹɪptˈɪʃəs/

English Vietnamese dictionary

surreptitious /,sʌrəp'tiʃəs/
  • tính từ
    • bí mật, kín đáo
    • gian lậu, lén lút

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
(written) done secretly or quickly, in the hope that other people will not notice: She sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch.
surreptitiously adverb

Thesaurus dictionary

furtive, secret, clandestine, stealthy, underhand(ed), covert, (on the) sly, secretive, private, concealed, hidden, veiled, Colloq sneaky:
She stole surreptitious glances at him.

Concise English dictionary

+marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed
+conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods