
US: /ˈstɹaɪk/
UK: /stɹˈa‍ɪk/

English Vietnamese dictionary

strike /straik/
  • ngoại động từ struck; struck, stricken
    • đánh, đập
      • to strike one's hand on the table: đập tay xuống bàn
      • to strike a blow: đánh một cú
      • to strike hands: (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) bắt tay
      • ship strikes rock: tàu va phải đá
      • tree struck by lightning: cây bị sét đánh
      • to be stricken with paralysis: bị tê liệt
    • đánh, điểm
      • to strike sparks (fire, light) out of flint: đánh đá lửa
      • to strike a match: đánh diêm
      • clock strikes five: đồng hồ điểm năm giờ
    • đúc
      • to strike coin: đúc tiền
    • giật (cá, khi câu)
    • dò đúng, đào đúng (mạch dầu, mạch mỏ...)
    • đánh, tấn công
    • đập vào
      • to strike the ears: đập vào tai (âm thanh...)
      • a beautiful sight struck my eyes: một cảnh tượng đẹp đập vào mắt tôi
      • the light struck the window: ánh sáng rọi vào cửa sổ
      • the idea suddenly struck me: tôi chợt nảy ra ý nghĩ
    • làm cho phải chú ý, gây ấn tượng
      • what strikes me is his generosity: điều làm tôi chú ý là tính hào phóng của anh ta
      • how does it strike you?: anh thấy vấn đề ấy thế nào?
      • it strikes me as absolutely perfect: tôi cho rằng điều đó tuyệt đối đúng
    • thình lình làm cho; gây (sợ hãi, kinh ngạc...) thình lình
      • to be struck with amazement: hết sức kinh ngạc
      • to strike terror in someone's heart: làm cho ai sợi chết khiếp
    • đâm vào, đưa vào; đi vào, tới, đến
      • plant strikes its roots into the soil: cây đâm rễ xuống đất
      • to strike a track: đi vào con đường mòn
      • to strike the main road: tới con đường chính
    • gạt (thùng khi đong thóc...)
    • xoá, bỏ, gạch đi
      • to strike a name out: xoá một tên đi
      • to strike a word through: gạch một từ đi
    • hạ (cờ, buồm)
    • bãi, đình (công)
      • to strike work: bãi công, đình công
    • tính lấy (số trung bình)
    • làm thăng bằng (cái cân)
    • lấy (điệu bộ...)
    • (sân khấu) dỡ và thu dọn (phông); tắt (đèn)
    • dỡ (lều)
      • to strike tents: dỡ lều, nhổ trại
  • nội động từ
    • đánh, nhằm đánh
      • to strike at the ball: nhắm đánh quả bóng
    • gõ, đánh, điểm
      • the hour has struck: giờ đã điểm
    • bật cháy, chiếu sáng
      • light strikes upon something: ánh sáng rọi vào một vật gì
      • match will not strike: diêm không cháy
    • đớp mồi, cắn câu (cá)
    • đâm rễ (cây)
    • tấn công
    • thấm qua
      • cold strikes into marrow: rét thấm vào tận xương tuỷ
    • đi về phía, hướng về
      • to strike across a field: vượt qua một cánh đồng
      • to strike to the right: rẽ về tay phải
    • hạ cờ; hạ cờ đầu hàng, đầu hàng
      • ship strikes: tàu hạ cờ đầu hàng
    • bãi công, đình công
    • to strike at
      • nhằm vào, đánh vào
    • to strike at the root of something: doạ triệt cái gì đến tận gốc
    • to strike back
      • đánh trả lại
    • đi trở lại
    • to strike down
      • đánh ngã (đen & bóng)
    • to strike off
      • chặt đứt, xoá bỏ; bớt đi
    • to strike out
      • xoá bỏ, gạch bỏ
    • (+ at) đấm (ai); vung (tay chân khi bơi)
    • lao vụt đi (người bơi...)
    • nghĩ ra, đề ra (kế hoạch...)
      • to strike out a line for oneself: nghĩ ra được một đường lối độc đáo; to ra có óc sáng tạo
    • to strike through
      • xuyên qua, thấm qua
    • to strike someone dumb
      • (xem) dumb
    • to strike home
      • (xem) home
    • to strike oil
      • đào đúng mạch dầu
    • làm ăn phát đạt
    • to strike up an acquaintance
      • làm quen (với ai)
    • to strike up a tune
      • cất tiếng hát, bắt đầu cử một bản nhạc
    • to strike upon an idea
      • nảy ra một ý kiến
    • to strike it rich
      • dò đúng mạch mỏ... có trữ lượng cao
    • phất
    • to strike in a talk with a suggestion
      • xen vào câu chuyện bằng một lời gợi ý
    • to strike white the iron is hot
      • (xem) iron
  • danh từ
    • cuộc đình công, cuộc bãi công
      • to go on strike: bãi công
      • general strike: cuộc tổng bãi công
    • mẻ đúc
    • sự đột nhiên dò đúng (mạch mỏ)
    • sự phất
    • sự xuất kích
    • que gạt (dấu, thùng đong thóc)

Advanced English dictionary

verb, noun
+ verb (struck, struck )
hit sb / sth
1 [VN] (formal) to hit sb/sth hard or with force: The ship struck a rock. + The child ran into the road and was struck by a car. + The tree was struck by lightning. + He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table. + The stone struck her on the forehead.
2 (formal) to hit sb/sth with your hand or a weapon: [VN] She struck him in the face. + He struck the table with his fist. + Who struck the first blow (= started the fight)? [also VNN]
kick / hit ball
3 [VN] (formal) to hit or kick a ball, etc: He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.
4 [V] to attack sb/sth, especially suddenly: The lion crouched ready to strike. + Police fear that the killer may strike again.
of disaster / disease
5 (written) to happen suddenly and have a harmful or damaging effect on sb/sth: [V] Two days later tragedy struck. + [VN] The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera.
thought / idea / impression
6 (not used in the progressive tenses) (of a thought or an idea) to come into sb's mind suddenly: [VN] An awful thought has just struck me. + I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt. + [VN wh-] It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.
7 ~ sb (as sth) to give sb a particular impression: [VN] His reaction struck me as odd. + How does the idea strike you? + She strikes me as a very efficient person. + [VN (that)] It strikes me that nobody is really in favour of the changes.
of light
8 [VN] to fall on a surface: The windows sparkled as the sun struck the glass.
dumb / deaf / blind
9 [VN-ADJ] [usually passive] to put sb suddenly into a particular state: to be struck dumb / deaf / blind
of workers
10 [V] to refuse to work as a protest: The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%. + Striking workers picketed the factory.
11 to rub sth such as a match against a surface so that it produces a flame; to produce a flame when rubbed against a rough surface: [VN] to strike a match on a wall + The sword struck sparks off the stone floor. + [V] The matches were damp and he couldn't make them strike.
of clock
12 to show the time by making a ringing noise, etc: [V] Did you hear the clock strike? + Four o'clock had just struck. + [VN] The clock has just struck three.
make sound
13 [VN] to produce a musical note, sound, etc. by pressing a key or hitting sth: to strike a chord on the piano
gold / oil, etc.
14 [VN] to discover gold, oil, etc. by digging or DRILLING: They had struck oil!
go with purpose
15 [V +adv./prep.] ~ (off / out) to go somewhere with great energy or purpose: We left the road and struck off across the fields.
Idioms: be struck by / on / with sb/sth (informal) to be impressed or interested by sb/sth; to like sb/sth very much: I was struck by her youth and enthusiasm. + We're not very struck on that new restaurant.
strike a balance (between A and B) to manage to find a way of being fair to two opposing things; to find a COMPROMISE between two things
strike a bargain / deal to make an agreement with sb in which both sides have an advantage
strike a blow for / against / at sth to do sth in support of/against a belief, principle, etc: He felt that they had struck a blow for democracy.
strike fear, etc. into sb/sb's heart (formal) to make sb be afraid, etc.
strike gold to find or do sth that brings you a lot of success or money: He has struck gold with his latest novel.
strike it rich (informal) to get a lot of money, especially suddenly or unexpectedly
strike (it) lucky (informal) to have good luck: We certainly struck it lucky with the weather.
strike a pose / an attitude to hold your body in a particular way to create a particular impression: to strike a dramatic / heroic pose
strike while the iron is hot (saying) to make use of an opportunity immediately
within striking distance (of sth) near enough to be reached or attacked easily; near enough to reach or attack sth easily: The beach is within striking distance. + The cat was now within striking distance of the duck.
more at CHORD, HARD adj., HOME adv., LIGHTNING n., NOTE n., PAY DIRT
Phrasal Verbs: strike at sb/sth
1 to try to hit sb/sth, especially with a weapon: He struck at me repeatedly with a stick.
2 to cause damage or have a serious effect on sb/sth: to strike at the root of the problem + criticisms that strike at the heart of the party's policies
strike back (at / against sb) to try to harm sb in return for an attack or injury you have received
strike sb down [usually passive]
1 (of a disease, etc.) to make sb unable to lead an active life; to make sb seriously ill; to kill sb: He was struck down by cancer at the age of thirty.
2 to hit sb very hard, so that they fall to the ground
strike sth<->off to remove sth with a sharp blow; to cut sth off: He struck off the rotten branches with an axe.
strike sb/sth off (sth) to remove sb/sth's name from sth, such as the list of members of a professional group: Strike her name off the list. + The doctor was struck off (= not allowed to continue to work as a doctor) for incompetence.
strike out
1 to start being independent: I knew it was time I struck out on my own.
2 (AmE, informal) to fail or be unsuccessful: The movie struck out and didn't win a single Oscar.
strike out (at sb/sth)
1 to aim a sudden violent blow at sb/sth: He lost his temper and struck out wildly.
2 to criticize sb/sth, especially in a public speech or in a book or newspaper: In a recent article she strikes out at her critics.
strike sth<->out / through to remove sth by drawing a line through it
Synonym: CROSS OUT
The editor struck out the whole paragraph.
strike out (for / towards sth) to move in a determined way (towards sth): He struck out (= started swimming) towards the shore.
strike up (with sth)
strike up sth (of a band, an orchestra, etc.) to begin to play a piece of music: The orchestra struck up and the curtain rose. + The band struck up a waltz.
strike up sth (with sb) to begin a friendship, a relationship, a conversation, etc: He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers.
+ noun
of workers
1 a period of time when an organized group of employees of a company stops working because of a disagreement over pay or conditions: the train drivers' strike + a strike by teachers + a general / unofficial / one-day strike + Air traffic controllers are threatening to come out on / go on strike. + Half the workforce are now (out) on strike. + The train drivers have voted to take strike action. + The student union has called for a rent strike (= a refusal to pay rent as a protest).
2 a military attack, especially by aircraft dropping bombs: an air strike + a lightning strike (= a very quick, sudden attack) + They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike.
hitting / kicking
3 [usually sing.] an act of hitting or kicking sth/sb: His spectacular strike in the second half made the score 20.
in baseball
4 an unsuccessful attempt to hit the ball
in bowling
5 a situation in TENPIN BOWLING when a player knocks down all the PINS with the first ball
discovery of oil
6 [usually sing.] a sudden discovery of sth valuable, especially oil

Thesaurus dictionary

1 hit, deal a blow to, knock, smack, thump, thwack, crown, cuff, punch, smite; beat, hammer, belabour, batter, pummel or pommel, pelt, buffet, thrash; cudgel, bludgeon, club, whip, horsewhip, scourge, lash, cane, flog, birch, slap, Colloq wallop, slug, whack, clout, sock, conk, belt, bash, lambaste, bop:
Small wonder he struck you after what you called his wife.
2 deliver, deal, aim, direct:
He struck a blow for freedom.
3 hit, collide with, land on or in or against, smash or bump or bang or crash or dash into, go or run into, impact:
Mrs Humphrey's car went out of control and struck a tree.
4 remove, take away, take apart, dismantle, knock down; take or pull or haul down:
Stage-hands struck the set. As the wind piped up we struck the mainsail.
5 Usually, strike off or from or out. obliterate, expunge, erase, eradicate, blot out, delete, scratch, eliminate, rub out, cross (out), cancel, wipe out, US x out:
After the scandal, his name was struck off the register. Strike out any references that might be thought libellous.
6 light, ignite:
He struck a match to see where he was going.
7 affect, impress, influence, afflict, Colloq hit:
The death of her kitten struck Mandy to the heart.
8 make, reach, attain, conclude; agree or settle (on), ratify, confirm:
We struck a bargain on the sale of the car.
9 occur or come to, dawn on or upon, Colloq hit, register (with):
It suddenly struck me that you are leaving tomorrow.
10 impress, print, stamp, punch, mint, make:
They have struck a new gold coin for collectors.
11 instil, implant, induce:
Horror films struck fear into our hearts when we were children.
12 assume, adopt, put on, display, affect, take on, feign:
He struck a supercilious pose of insouciant hauteur that annoyed her intensely.
13 Often, strike down. afflict, affect, attack, indispose, incapacitate, disable, cripple, invalid:
Polio struck her down in the prime of life.
14 encounter, come or happen or hit upon, come across, chance upon, discover, stumble on, find:
The news is that they've struck oil in the North Sea.
15 revolt, rebel, mutiny, walk out (of or off the job):
The machinists struck at midnight, bringing the industry to a halt.
16 strike on or upon. dream up, devise, conjure up, improvise, work out, invent, contrive, come up with, hit on or upon, arrive at:
The alchemist never did strike upon a way to turn lead into gold.
17 strike out.
(a) fail, get nowhere, Colloq US miss the boat, flop, come a cropper, Slang US blow it, blow the gaff, come to nothing or naught or nought:
Tim always strikes out when it comes to girls.
(b) See 5, above.
18 strike up. (cause to) begin or start or commence:
The band struck up. We struck up an acquaintance aboard ship.
19 attack, assault:
A dawn air strike is planned.
20 walk-out, sit-down (strike), job action, slow-down, go-slow, work-to-rule:
They will call a strike if negotiations break down.

Collocation dictionary

1 industrial protest


long | short | indefinite |
crippling, damaging, major |
bitter | official | illegal, unofficial, unlawful | protest | token, warning | lightning, wildcat
a series of lightning strikes in parts of the coal industry
| all-out, general, mass, national, nationwide
A general strike brought the country to a standstill.
| hunger | sit-down | political | sympathy
The suppression of the strike led to sympathy strikes in other industries.
| pay, rent | dock, dockers', miners', postal, train, etc.


series, wave


be on | come out on, go on, join, take part in | call (sb out on), organize, stage
The union leaders called a strike. He called all the workers out on strike.
| avert, prevent | threaten
More train strikes are threatened.
| begin, start | call off, end | break (up), crush
The army was used to help break the strike.
| settle | ban
The new government banned strikes.


occur, take place | start | end | last | spread
The strike soon spread to other cities.
| paralyse sth
The strike paralysed the port.


Prison officers are threatening to take strike action.
| ballot, call, threat | leader | breaker | committee, movement


during a/the ~
There was a continual police presence during the strike.
| ~ against
a strike against the employment of non-union labour
| ~ by
a strike by tax collectors
| ~ for
a strike for a ten-hour day
| ~ in protest at
a strike in protest at the government's economic policies
| ~ in support of
Miners staged a one-day strike in support of the steel workers.
| ~ over
a strike over wages


days lost in/through strikes
Unofficial action accounted for 40% of the days lost through strikes last year.

2 sudden military attack


air, military, nuclear | pre-emptive | retaliatory


carry out, launch, make


in a/the ~
The house was damaged in an air strike.
| ~ against/on
The aircraft carried out a pre-emptive strike against bases in the north.

1 hit/attack sb/sth


firmly, hard
He struck her hard across the face.
| deep
The German army struck deep into northern France.
| directly | repeatedly | home
(often figurative) The remark struck home.


be ready to, prepare to


The oar struck against something hard.
| at
He struck at me repeatedly with a stick.
| into
He struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.
| on
The ball struck her on the head.

2 come into your mind suddenly/give an impression


immediately | suddenly
It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.
| just
An awful thought has just struck me.
| forcibly
Joan was struck quite forcibly by the silence.


He struck me as being rather stupid.

3 go on strike


threaten to | vote to


against, for
The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of six per cent.
| in protest at


the right to strike

Concise English dictionary

+a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions
+an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective
+(baseball) a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batter's knees and shoulders
+a gentle blow
+a score in tenpins: knocking down all ten with the first ball
+a conspicuous success
+hit against; come into sudden contact with
+deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon
+have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
+make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target
+indicate (a certain time) by striking
+affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely
+stop work in order to press demands
+touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly
+produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically
+cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp
+find unexpectedly
+produce by ignition or a blow
+remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line
+cause to experience suddenly
+drive something violently into a location
+occupy or take on
+form by stamping, punching, or printing
+smooth with a strickle
+pierce with force
+arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing