
US: /ˈʃeɪkən/
UK: /ʃˈe‍ɪkən/

English Vietnamese dictionary

shaken /ʃeik/
  • danh từ
    • sự rung, sự lắc, sự giũ
      • a shake of the head: cái lắc đầu
      • to give something shake: giũ cái gì
    • sự run
      • to be all of a shake: run khắp mình
      • with a shake in his voice: với một giọng run run
    • (thông tục) lúc, chốc, một thoáng
      • I'll be there in two shake s: chỉ một thoáng là tớ sẽ có mặt ở đó
      • in two shake s of a lamb's tail: rất nhanh, rất chóng
    • vết nứt (trong thân cây gỗ)
    • (thông tục) động đất
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) cốc sữa trứng đã khuấy ((cũng) milk-shake)
    • to be no great shakes
      • (từ lóng) không tốt lắm; không có tác dụng lắm
    • to give someone (something) the shake
      • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) tránh ai (cái gì); tống khứ ai (cái gì)
  • động từ shook; shaken
    • rung, lắc, làm rung, lúc lắc, lung lay, lay động; giũ
      • to shake the house: làm rung nhà
      • to shake one's head: lắc đầu
      • to shake the dice: lắc những con súc sắc
      • to shake someone by the hand; to shake hands with someone: bắt tay người nào
      • to shake a mat: giũ chiếu
    • rung; (nhạc) ngân
      • to shake with rage: run lên vì tức giận
      • voice shake with emotion: giọng run lên vì cảm động
    • làm náo động; làm sửng sốt, làm bàng hoàng
      • to be much shaken by (with, at) a piece of news: sửng sốt vì một tin
    • (nghĩa bóng) làm lung lay, làm lay chuyển
      • his credit was shaken: danh tiếng của anh ta bị lung lay
      • to shake someone's faith in something: làm lay chuyển lòng tin của ai ở cái gì
    • (thông tục) làm mất bình tĩnh
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) giũ sạch, tống khứ được (ai, cái gì)
    • to shake down
      • rung cây lấy quả
    • trải (rơm, chăn) ra sàn
    • lắc (hạt lúa...) cho lắng xuống; lắng xuống
    • ngồi ấm chỗ
    • ăn ý với đồng bạn; thích nghi với hoàn cảnh
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) tống tiền
    • to shake off
      • giũ, phủi; (bóng) giũ sạch, tống khứ
    • to shake out
      • lắc ra, giũ tung ra; trải (buồm, cờ) ra
    • to shake up
      • lắc để trộn
    • giũ, lắc (gối...) cho gọn lại
    • (nghĩa bóng) thức tỉnh, làm hoạt động
    • to shake in one's shoes
      • run sợ
    • to shake a leg
      • (xem) leg

Advanced English dictionary

(also shaken up)
+ noun
[not usually before noun] shocked, upset or frightened by sth: She was visibly shaken by the incidents. + He was too shaken up to drive.

Thesaurus dictionary

1 quiver, quake, shudder, waver, wobble, tremble, shiver:
The poor child is shaking from the cold.
2 wiggle, wriggle, squirm, shimmy, twitch, joggle, jiggle, waggle, sway, swing, roll, bump, grind, vibrate, oscillate, pulsate, gyrate:
When Lola shakes her hips the strongest men have been known to weaken
3 weaken, undermined, impair, harm, damage, discourage; disenchant, disappoint, disaffect:
The incident shook my faith in the political party I had supported all my voting life.
4 wave, brandish, flourish, display, show off, parade, exhibit, vaunt, waggle, flap, flutter:
It was thrilling to see the once-banned flag being shaken under the noses of the deposed leaders
5 Often, shake up. agitate, stir (up), mix (up); upset, distress, frighten, scare, shock, disturb, unnerve, unsettle, disconcert, discomfit, worry, fluster, disquiet, confound, confuse, perplex, puzzle, Colloq rattle, get to, US throw (for a loop):
Shake the medicine before taking it. I was really shaken by the news that Sheila had quit
6 shake down.
(a) break in, condition, test, prove, Colloq debug:
We shook down the submarine on a 30-day cruise.
(b) blackmail, extort or extract or squeeze or wrest money from, hold up, squeeze, threaten:
The shopkeepers were so frightened that the gang easily shook them down
7 shake off. get rid of, discard, dislodge, drop, brush off, elude, evade, lose, throw off, rid oneself of, give the slip to:
We finally shook off our pursuers: at last we felt safe.
8 shaking, quivering, quaking, shuddering, wavering, wobbling, trembling, shivering, quiver, quake, shudder, waver, wobble, tremble, shiver, wiggle, wriggle, twitch, joggle, jiggle, sway, swing, roll, gyration:
The dog gave a shake of its tail and bounded towards them.
9 agitating, agitation, shaking, stirring (up), jolt, jar, jarring, jounce, jolting, jouncing:
Give him a good shake and he'll wake up.
10 the shakes. trembling, tremors, delirium tremens, Colloq D.T.'s:
She's had so much to drink that she's got the shakes.

Collocation dictionary


be, look | leave sb
The experience left her deeply shaken.


badly, considerably, deeply, profoundly, quite, severely | a bit, a little, rather, somewhat
Are you all right? You look a bit shaken up.
| clearly, obviously, visibly | still | up


She was visibly shaken by the news.

Concise English dictionary

+disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock
+building material used as siding or roofing
+frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream
+a note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it
+grasping and shaking a person's hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract)
+a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement
+causing to move repeatedly from side to side
+move or cause to move back and forth
+move with or as if with a tremor
+shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively
+move back and forth or sideways
+undermine or cause to waver
+stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of
+get rid of
+bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking
+shake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive state